Philosophical problems created by suffering for a religious believer.

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One of the most major problems with belief in a God is reconciling this belief with all the suffering in the world. Religion believes in a God who is all-powerful and all loving (omnipotent, omniscient and benevolent). So a great problem is raised when looking at the way the world has so much suffering, some of it on an overwhelming scale and depth.

Suffering comes as a result of two evils:

  • That caused by Natural Evils - caused by the environment/world. Things such as the effects of natural hazards such as earthquakes and tropical storms that cause mass death and destruction.
  • That caused by Moral Evils – caused by man. Things such as war, holocaust, murder and other crimes.

The problems created by suffering are often generalised as ‘The Problem of Evil’. This issue of evil and suffering causes philosophical problems for a religious believer because it logically seems impossible to believe in the existence of a good and powerful God on the basis of the existence of evil and suffering in the world. The basic idea is:

  • A good God would want to destroy evil, and stop suffering.
  • An all-powerful God would be able to destroy evil, and stop suffering.
  • However, evil is not destroyed, and suffering continues in the world.
  • Therefore, such a good and all-powerful God cannot possibly exist.

This has long been a major basis for questioning God's existence, but it was first stated as an argument by the 18th century philosopher David Hume. He used the idea of a triangle, on which to base his argument.

Hume stated that only 2 of the 3 can exist, and the existence of evil and suffering cannot be denied. Therefore one of the other statements about God is not true. Either God is all-powerful, but does not care for the world, or God loves the world, yet is not powerful enough to do anything about the evil and suffering. Either way it is looked at this means that the religious believer is lead to have doubts about God. Even if not necessarily that he doesn’t exist, but that he is not as powerful or as loving as is said.

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Solutions to the problem of evil and suffering, put forward by religious believers:

Probably the best counter-argument for the problem of evil and suffering is that of ‘the Freewill Defense’. An argument based on evil and suffering being as a result of human freedom. This is specifically true of Gods purpose to create beings in his own image, who possess free will. But creatures that possess freedom are free not only to love God but also to hate or ignore Him. Yet without free will we would be incapable of entering into a personal relationship with Him. Human freedom ...

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