n. pl. cos·mol·o·gies

  1. The study of the physical universe considered as a totality of phenomena in time and space.
  1. The astrophysical study of the history, structure, and constituent dynamics of the universe.
  2. A specific theory or model of this structure and these dynamics.

Religious Studies

Science And Religion


Cosmology is the word given to the study of the origin and structure of the universe.

Christians have two accounts of how the world began. One was written in Genesis chapter 1, and the other is written about in Genesis chapter 2.

        In Genesis chapter 1 it is written that on the first day God created heaven and earth, light and dark. On the second day he separated the earth from the sky. On the third day God created the dry land, plants and the trees. On the fourth day he created the sun, moon and the stars. Then on the fifth day the fish and the birds were created. Then on the sixth day he created animals and humans. On the final day God is said to have rested and looked down on his creation.

According to Genesis chapter 2 God first created the heavens and the earth. From the dust of the earth God formed man, God breathed life into him and so ‘Adam’ had come alive. Out of the ground god made trees and formed the Garden of Eden. Adam was then placed in the Garden of Eden. God realised that Adam would be lonely if he stayed in the Garden on his own so he created birds and animals which Adam then named. Adam was finding the animals and birds that God created unsuitable to be his helpers. Hearing of this God placed Adam in a state of sleep and removed one of his ribs. From this rib God created woman, who was named Eve.

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The Islamic cosmology consists of two views the tradition view and the modern view. The traditional view consists of the world being created in 6 days, just like the Christian cosmology. There are no clear statements about the order that the creation happens. They are rather statements about what happens saying that God created the universe. The modern view tells us that God created the universe in six ages rather than six days. This emphasises that the universe could have been created by evolution over large periods of time.


Scientists have recently come to the conclusion that ...

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