Some religious arguments for Contraception and abortion

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Some religious arguments for Contraception and abortion

Contraception: A means of stopping conception (pregnancy) taking place by chemical or mechanical means.

There are a variety of viewpoints on contraception from the different Christian churches. Most couples in modern society feel the need to control the numbers of children that they have. The Roman Church teaches that all artificial (chemical or barrier) are wrong as the primary reason for sexual intercourse should be to have children. However the RC church does not condemn natural family planning which means that the woman is aware of the times when she is fertile and the times that she is not. There is much controvosy over these views especially in places where there is overpopulation. Many Roman Catholics use birth control and settle their own consciences.

"It is right and proper for parents to regulate the number of children that they have and the spaces between the children, but not be means that which artificially make it impossible for sexual intercourse to result in conception (pregnancy)." [Catholic Truth Society]

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Most Anglican and other Protestant denominations accept birth control as long as both partners agree to its use:

"The Anglican view of contraception is that a couple may practice forms of contraception that are acceptable to both partners" [Church of England priest]

Note: Since 'all' the churches teach that sex should only take place inside marriage the question of contraception outside marriage does not arise. However unwanted pregnancy is seen as undesirable.

Abortion: Stopping the development of a foetus by chemical or mechanical means.

"Life must be protected with the utmost care from the moment of conception; abortion and infanticide ...

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