Char Ayoub

Explain how the Bible shows the goodness of God

The Bible shows the goodness of God in different ways, throughout the Old and the New Testament. God was said to have had a moral character, requiring his creation to behave in certain ways and establishing standards of goodness. This may account for the fact that many Old Testament stories seem “immoral” eg, Abraham’s attempted murder of his son, Isaac, and from this, the idea of goodness has evolved. So as the bible shows,  God provided the ethics for mankind during this time, (ethnical monotheism). Biblical writers use two Hebrew words to try to describe the goodness which God shows to mankind. “Hesed” meaning loving kindness and merciful compassion is used 26 times alone in Psalm 136 and “rahamum” meaning pity and tenderness, Psalm 8: 14.

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God is portrayed as an omnipotent (all powerful) figure who can react to people and care about they way they behave. God in the Bible is shown as more than just an idea, he exists personally, he is anthropomorphically portrayed. One of the most moving passages in the Old Testament describing God’s love for his creation, is when he is compared with a father teaching a child to walk, the affection is wonderfully described. Hoesea 11: 3-4. God can intervene in his world and always has the ultimate plan. Unlike the unmoved mover, the Biblical God can be a personal ...

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