I am a Muslim and my view upon Jesus is different to that of anyone else’s. The person of the name Jesus (or the name Isa in Islam) is of great significance in both, Islam and Christianity. However there are different terms and beliefs about nature and life occurrences of this noble messenger of god.

Most of the Islamic evidence of Isa (pbuh) (not Jesus because this is the Islamic point of view) is found in the holy quran. But on the other hand most of the Christian evidence is found in the bible, which includes both the new and old testament.

The Quran was revealed by god to the prophet Mohammed (pbuh) and written down in his life time. On the other hand the bible had four narratives covering the life and death of Jesus, according to the traditions, respectively by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

But here are a few questions to ask you twice.

1. Do Muslims believe Issa (PBUH) was a Messenger of One God? YES

Belief in all of the Prophets and Messengers of the God, Allah as He is known in Arabic, is a fundamental article of faith in Islam. Thus, believing in Prophets Adam, Jesus, Moses, and Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon them) is a requirement for anyone who calls him or herself a Muslim. A person claiming to be a Muslim, who, for instance, denies the Messenger ship of Jesus, is not considered a Muslim. The same is true of any other Prophet.

1. Do Christian believe Jesus was a Messenger of One God? YES and no  

Christians believe Jesus was more than a messenger from God, Christians believe that Jesus was god in a human form.

2. Do Muslims believe Jesus had a miraculous birth? YES

Muslims believe that God can take away and give life when eve he wants and he a miraculous baby boy to Mayam. In other words when Maryam gave birth to Issa she was still a chaste a virgin mother.

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2. Do Christians believe he had a miraculous birth? YES

Christians also believe Mary was a chaste and pious human woman who gave birth to Jesus Christ and this was a miracle

3. Do Muslims believe he performed miracles? YES

Muslims, like Christians believe the Prophet Jesus performed miracles. But these were performed by the will and permission of Allah, Who has all power and control over all things. Muslims also believe that god made issa perform miracles to stop people stoning Maryam to death, to prove that she had not committed adultery, and to prove that she did have ...

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