What is meant by the word abortion?

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Emily Blackwell

R.S. Abortion Coursework


What is meant by the word abortion?

The word abortion means to induce the expulsion of a foetus before it can survive. Usually an abortion is performed before the 24th week when medically the foetus is not alive .

There are two types of abortion 1) where the body expels the foetus of its own accord, usually due to a problem with the baby or the mother. When this occurs this is called a miscarriage. 2) this is where labour is induced on purpose and the life of the foetus is cut short. There are many reasons why this is done like if the pregnancy causes the mother harm it can also occur when the baby when born will be severely handicapped in some way. Though in some cases it happens because the mother does not have enough money to support another child or she is too young to care for the baby.

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What Biblical and Church teachings

might be used in a discussion

about abortion?

Christians view abortion with sadness because it involves the termination of a developing human life which can be seen as evil. Most churches are against abortion though there are  others who except abortion as a sad necessity in some circumstances . The bible it self does not mention abortion in any of its 600 laws of Moses.

According to the Bible life begins when it is born ‘draws its first breath’, “breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul.” (Genesis 2:7). This suggests that human life begins when a baby is born and begins to breath. This could be used by Pro-abortionists because you could argue that the foetus is not fully alive and so abortion is not killing.

In Genesis Chapter 1 it tell us that God made us in his in his image “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness” after that it goes on to tell us that man has command over the fish , birds, cattle, insects and every thing else. Though what he does not give command to us is the command over each other, suggesting we have no right to say when a human life ends. “Human life must be respected and protected from the moment of conception. From the first moment of his existence , a human being must be recognised as having the rights of a person – among which is the inviolable right of every innocent being to life” if this were used in a discussion for abortion it could show that when performing an abortion you are taking away the baby’s right to life.  

As a Christian you could argue that “Thou shalt not kill” (Exodus 20:13) applies to abortion but earlier text from Genesis suggests that a foetus is not fully alive and therefore the commandment does not apply. Though from the anti abortions view it is a very valid point as it does not leave any opening, killing is killing and that is what abortion is.

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Even though Christians teach that every child has the right to be born, as it is seen as a gift from God and that it is intended for that child to be born. Christians also think that every child has a specific purpose on this Earth and should be raised in the faith of God “Children are a gift from the Lord ; they are a real blessing” (Psalm 127:3) In terms of the metaphor of gift , our life is seen not to be our own , but as something which comes to us as a gift from ...

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