Accuracy and Precision Lab Report

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Zachary May



Lab Report:

Accuracy and Precision

Summary:          In this experiment, we recorded the smallest unit of measurement for a ruler, two graduated cylinders, and a scale on a balance.  We evaluated the measurement of volume, length, mass, and temperature.  Next, we measured the temperature of water.  We then found the mass and volume of water, as well as the mass and volume of the unknown metal.  By subtracting volumes, we found the density of the metal, and compared it to densities of other common metals until we found the density that best matched out metal.


Table 1

Table 2

Table 3

Table 4

Table 5

Analysis and Interpretation:

1.)        Uncertainty Figures:


                Height of 50mL mark on graduated cylinder:

(± 0.1cm / 9.5cm) * 100 =  ± 1.053%

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                Inside width of graduated cylinder:

(± 0.1cm / 2.5cm) * 100 =  ± 4%


                Mass of 25mL graduated cylinder:

(± 0.1g / 50.8g) * 100 = ± 0.197%

                Mass of 25mL cylinder with water and metal:

(± 0.01g / 121.85g) * 100 = ± 0.008%

        25mL graduated cylinder:

                Volume of water and cylinder:

(± 0.1g / 65.1g) * 100 = ± 0.154%

2.)  Solid volume of a 100mL graduated cylinder up to 50mL mark is obtained by first finding the volume; (V = πr²h).  Pi is 3.1416, and the radius is determined by dividing ...

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