Aim: To determine the concentration of a Limewater solution

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Nilam Nakarja 12C2        

Chemistry Coursework

Aim: To determine the concentration of a Limewater solution

Titration is used to analyse solutions and to investigate reactions. Titrations are common because they are quick, convenient, accurate and easy to automate. A titration only gives accurate results if the reaction is rapid and is exactly described by the chemical reaction. The analyst adds a measured volume of one solution to a flask with a pipette, and then adds the standard solution from a burette. The end point is by adding a few drops of indicator.

Apparatus, Equipment and chemicals that I will need are as follows:

Pipette 25 cm


Conical flask 250cm

Volumetric Flask 500cm

While Tile

Clamp and stand

Indicator (methyl Orange)

Limewater Hydrochloric acid

Distilled Water


How much should I dilute my Acid down?

Balanced Equation is   Ca(OH) 2  + 2HCL ➔ 2H2O + CACL2

1g dm3 = 1/74 = 0.0135moldm3

To check 40+(16+1) x2 = 74

Equation   Vs = Vw x Mw / MS    = 500/1000 X0.01= 0.005/2 =0.0025 dilute it by 25cm3

Due to the fact, that the hydrochloric acid is too concentrated. I will have to dilute the acid down; the concentration of 0.01 mol dm-3 will allow me to gain reliable results. Therefore I will dilute it by 25 cm3 and make up the difference to 500cm3. In other words pour 25cm3 of hydrochloric acid and then add 475cm3 of Distilled Water. I feel that the best indicator, which would be suitable for my experiment, is Methyl Orange because Limewater is a very weak base because on the Methyl orange ph scale it is between ph 8 and ph 5. The equipment I have chosen I believe it will make my results more reliable.

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   As always when doing an experiment safety is one of the key elements, especially when dealing with acids. It is very important to wear eye protection when working with acid as they can seriously damage the eyes. If hair is long then it is sensible to tie the hair back to avoid getting in the way when proceeding with the experiment. A fume cupboard can be used because of the concentration of the acids; it can be harmful as it is toxic.  There must be good ventilation. If any spills occur while diluting the concentrated it ...

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