An investigation into how concentration effects the reaction between hydrochloric acid and marble chips.

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An investigation into how concentration effects the reaction between hydrochloric acid and marble chips


As I will be using acid in the experiment I will wear safety goggles during the experiment.

Set up the apparatus as shown

The experiment I will be:

                                    CaCO3 + 2HCl       CO2 + CaCl2 + H2O

Calcium carbonate + Hydrochloric acid    Carbon dioxide + Calcium chloride + Water

I will monitor the rate by measuring the speed at which the product (Carbon dioxide) is given off.

Preliminary Results

I carried out a series of experiments to decipher what size chips, what mass of chips and what volume of solution I should use in order to get the best results from my experiment. I also took the temperature during these experiments to see if there was a sudden drop or increase in the temperature which may affect my results, there only seemed to be a drop or increase of around 1 degree each time so I do not think that there is much to worry about.

To determine what size chips I will use I carried out the experiment below, using lowest concentration and therefore the slowest the experiment could get to so that I could determine which chips would be too slow.

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The results of this show that I should use the small chips as it would take too long to use either of the other two sizes.

Then I repeated the experiment with the highest concentration to see which size marble chips would be too fast.

These results showed me that using the small chips will still be satisfactory so I will use them.

I used 3g of the chips each time which worked well but I will see if using a lower or a higher mass of chips would be better

There doesn’t seem to be a lot of difference ...

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