An Investigation Studying the Effect Catalse on Different Temperatures of Hydrogen Peroxide.

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An Investigation Studying the Effect Catalse on Different Temperatures of Hydrogen Peroxide



Investigating the affect of different temperatures of hydrogen peroxide on Catalse.

Background Theory:

Enzymes are chemicals that help increase the rate of reaction of the chemical reactions that take place in cells of living things. We need these reactions to happen quickly to keep us alive. Enzymes make reactions happen at a much faster rate.

Chemicals that speed up reactions are called catalysts, and since enzymes speed up chemical reactions in our body, they are called biological catalysts.

Enzymes are put into two different groups, Breakers and Builders.

  1. Breakers: Large molecules need to be broken down into smaller ones, which is important for the digestion when the smaller ones, which is important for digestion when the smaller ones, which is important for digestion when the smaller ones could be used. Breaker enzymes speed up these reactions.

The substrate is the substance the enzyme works on, when the reaction takes place this is called the active site. The product released is the broken-down substrate, due to reaction with the enzyme.

  1. Builders: In other reactions large molecules are needed to be formed by small ones, builders enzymes speed up building these molecules from smaller ones which are important molecules inside cells.

In Builder enzymes the product released is the built up substrate that are resulted by reaction of the substrate with the enzyme.

All enzymes have five important properties:

  1. All enzymes are made out of proteins.
  2. Each enzyme controls one particular reaction.
  3. They are not used in a reaction; they can be used again and again.
  4. They are all affected by temperature (they have an optimum temperature).
  5. They are all affected by P.H. (they usually have an optimum P.H.)

Each enzyme can work on a particular kind of substrate but it can also act on lots of substrates of the same kind.

Substrate (a) can only work with this kind of enzyme.

An enzyme can act on a lot of substrates of the same kind.

Catalse is a kind of enzyme. It’s found in many living things. Catalse breaks down hydrogen peroxide to water and oxygen, and that causes the bubbles to come off.

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                Hydrogen Peroxide           water + oxygen

Catalse is found in potato cells, chopping up potato releases more Catalse from the cells.

Catalse is the fastest enzyme; water and oxygen are formed as a product from the reaction of Catalse and hydrogen peroxide in the cells. Hydrogen Peroxide can be poisonous if it builds up, that’s why it’s broken down.


I predict that as the temperatures increase, the rate of reaction will also increase. i.e. more oxygen will be given off. I also predict that beyond a certain temperature the reaction will not increase anymore, but instead ...

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