An investigation to determine how the rate of an enzyme-catalysed reaction is affected by the availability of the active site of the enzyme during the reaction by using the enzyme catalase to decompose hydrogen peroxide.

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Rishi Patel                   Planning for AS coursework on

“ An investigation to determine how the rate of an enzyme-catalysed reaction is affected by the availability of the active site of the enzyme during the reaction by using  the enzyme catalase to decompose hydrogen peroxide”


The aim of this investigation is to determine how the rate of an enzyme-catalysed reaction is affected by the availability of the active site of the enzyme during the reaction. The effect on the rate of the reaction by the availability of the active sites on the enzyme catalase to decompose hydrogen peroxide will be studied.

Safety precautions

It is important to wear safety spectacles and plastic gloves at all times when carefully handling the hydrogen peroxide as it is extremely irritant to the skin and eyes. It is necessary to be careful when cutting tissues with the blade, which should be put away in its case when not in use. It is also necessary to follow the standard laboratory rules and take care not to touch the water bath once it has been heated up.

Scientific knowledge

A catalyst is a substance, which speeds up a chemical reaction but remains unchanged at the end of the reaction. All metabolic reactions in living cells are catalysed by enzymes. These are biological catalysts made of globular proteins, coiled into precise 3D shapes with the hydrophilic R groups on the outside of the molecule; therefore enzymes are soluble in aqueous solutions. The chemical/ chemicals, which an enzyme acts on, is called its “substrate”. The area where the substrate binds to the enzyme is called the “active site” of the enzyme. This is usually a cleft or depression and has a specific shape. This allows the substrate to fit perfectly and the combined structure is called the “enzyme-substrate complex”. The shape of the active site allows only one shape of molecule to fit exactly and hence the enzyme is said to be “specific” for this substrate. This is often referred to as the “lock and key” hypothesis. The active site is usually only between 3-12 amino acids of the large globular enzyme molecule.  

Diagram To show the “lock and key” model of enzyme action.

The substrate fits exactly into the active site of the enzyme. The enzyme then catalyses the breakdown of the substrate into products, which then leave the active site of the enzyme.  

The formation of the enzyme-substrate complex decreases the “activation energy” that the substrate needs to be converted to a product. The enzyme may catalyse a reaction in which the substrate molecule is split into two or more molecules or it may catalyse the joining together of two molecules. e.g. when making a dipeptide. Once the products have formed, they leave the enzyme’s active site and the enzyme is then free to combine with a new substrate molecule.

The rate of enzyme controlled reactions is always fastest at the beginning and is called the “initial rate of reaction”. This is because in the presence of excess substrate molecules, virtually every enzyme molecule will have a substrate molecule in its active site. The rate then depends on the number of enzyme molecules, the speed at which the enzyme converts the substrate to product, releases it and binds to another substrate molecule. As more and more substrate is converted into product, there are fewer and fewer substrate molecules to bind with the enzymes; the reaction slows down and finally stops.

In this investigation the concept of the “lock and key”  model will be used to determine how the rate of the enzyme catalysed reaction is affected by the “availability” of the enzyme (i.e. how much the active sites (locks) are “exposed” to bind with the substrate molecules (keys))

It is best to study the effects on the “initial” rate of reaction because as the reaction progresses, the amount of substrate varies as it is converted to products at different rates.

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Various factors affect the rate of enzyme catalysed reactions, such as:

  1. Temperature: Between 0-40 C the rate of enzyme activity increases as more molecules have increased energy for successful collisions between enzyme and substrate molecules. As temperature increases above 40 C, the hydrogen bonds in the enzyme (protein) break and the enzyme looses its shape and activity- it is said to be “denatured”. This effect is irreversible. All enzymes have an “optimum temperature” at which the enzyme activity is at its maximum.
  2. pH: Most enzymes work fastest at a pH of about 7 (but some enzymes like protease ...

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