Comparing the heat energy produced by combustion of various alcohols

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Chemistry SC1

Marcus Ng

Comparing the heat energy produced by combustion of various alcohols



        In this investigation I will be burning alcohols to heat up a beaker of water. I will be burning five alcohols, methanol, ethanol, propanol, butanol and pentanol. The aim is to find out how much energy is produced when burning these alcohols. ‘An alcohol is a series of organic homologous compounds, with the general formula Cn H n + 1OH´. Alcohols react with oxygen in the air to form water and carbon dioxide.

The reaction that is involved in burning alcohols is exothermic because heat is given out. Form this reason the reactant energy is higher than that of the product.


  1. Retort stand
  2. Boss
  3. Clamp
  4. 250cm Conical
  5. Thermometer
  6. Tongs


  1. Methanol (Highly flammable)
  2. Ethanol (Highly flammable)
  3. Propanol (Highly flammable)
  4. Butanol (Highly flammable)
  5. Pentanol (Highly flammable).


        As a safety, during the experiment, I have to wear a safety spec to protect my eyes, and an apron to protect my body. Also be very careful to the thermometer, because it has mercury inside. If it breaks, it may damage to our body. When I heating the measuring cylinder, I have to make sure the retort stand hold the measuring cylinder exactitude. Spirit burners are the safest way of burning the alcohol but we should not be to fill them.

Scientific knowledge

        Stress the important of fair testing, for example the height of the flask above the wick. We can work out the number of moles used and find the energy produced per mole. A temperature sensor attached to a computer can be used in place of a thermometer. It can plot temperature change on a graph and allow better quantification of the heat produced.

A fair test

        To make a fair investigation, I have to keep the water at the same volume at each time when I start doing my experiment, and try to keep checking the temperature nearly. Also repeat the experiment at least two times to get the average; therefore it makes a more accurate investigation. In this experiment, I only change the alcohols, so I can make this experiment be a fair test.

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        I’m going to do a quick test, because I want to know what is the happening about the experiment. First, I put 100ml (not accurately) of water in a measuring cylinder, and then I put the measuring cylinder on the retort stand to hold it. After that I put the alcohol underside the measuring cylinder, finally, start combust. In this test, I found out that, I need to control the temperature accurately. It is because I want to make this experiment be a fair test. So that, every time, I raise 30 ℃ then gets the alcohols ...

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