Describe and discuss how the external and internal structural components relate to and affect the major roles involved in the plant's production and development.

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Describe and discuss how the external and internal structural components relate to and affect the major roles involved in the plant’s production and development.

The plant body is composed of three main regions, the root system, the vegetative system, and the floral system. Each of these systems are made up of components, both internal and external structures, which relate to and affect the major functions in the plant’s production and development.

The first system in plants is the roots. The roots form the underground parts of the plants. The roots have several functions, which include the absorption and transfer of water and dissolved minerals, food storage, and anchorage of the plant into the soil. The first root produced by a plant is known as the radicle, elongates during germination of the seed and forms the primary root. Roots that branch from the primary root are called secondary roots. In many plants the primary root is known as a taproot because it is much larger than secondary roots and penetrates deeper into the soil.

During and after enlargement, the cells produced by the meristem acquire the characteristics of the cells of the mature tissues of the root. Three types can be recognised. There is the epidermis, or the outermost cell layer, the vascular tissues or the xylem and phloem, which occupy the central core of the root, and the cortex, which lies in between the central vascular cylinder and the outer epidermis. (refer diagram a)

The xylem is responsible for transporting water and minerals to the above ground portions of the plant. The phloem transports food made in the leaves to the root. The cortex is comprised of several layers of parenchyma cells, which store food reserves in the form of starch grains. The innermost cell layer of the cortex forms the epidermis. The outermost cell layer of the vascular cylinder constitutes the pericycle. These cells retain the capacity for subsequent division pericycle cells divide to form the lateral root which in turn will grow out of the primary root axis to form the lateral root.

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Absorption of water and minerals must take place across the epidermis. Which is not far behind the meristem a root hair zone is present. Root hairs are tube like extensions of epidermal cells and serve to increase the absorptive surface area of the root.

The vegetative system of a plant comprises of the stem and the leaves.

The stem is the main axis of a vascular plant and has many functions including; providing the plant with support, holding the buds, leaves and flowers in position, providing minimal photosynthesis, translocates water and dissolved nutrients around the plant, acts ...

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