Does temperature affect the rate of reaction between Sodium Thiosulphate and Hydrochloric acid?

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Does temperature affect the rate of reaction between Sodium Thiosulphate and Hydrochloric acid?


   In this experiment, I am going to mix together Sodium Thiosulphate and Hydrochloric acid. The sodium Thiosulphate mixed with the acid should then turn cloudy while we time it until we cannot see the black line on the other side of the beaker. We are going to measure the amount of time it takes for the Sodium Thiosulphate and Hydrochloric acid. I am also going to do some preliminary work so that I can check that my experiment works and check for any errors in my work. To make sure that further experiments are fair, I will keep all the variables the same and just change the temperature of the Sodium Thiosulphate.

Factors that could affect my experiment are:

  • The temperature of the Sodium Thiosulphate-whether the temperature is hot or cold it might affect the rate of reaction
  • The concentration of the acid-whether it is strong or weak
  • The equipment used such as the beaker because if we use the same one we know that the darkness of lightness of the line will be the same throughout the experiment.
  • The lighting in the room-could affect whether the solution turns cloudy and we don’t see this
  • The starting of the timer-this could make our results in accurate because different people have different reaction speeds and one person might start the timer before or after the other person.

Apparatus list

The apparatus that is going to be used in this experiment will be:

  • 1 250ml Beaker
  • 1 Thermometer
  • 1 small measuring cylinder
  • 1 tripod
  • 1 gauze mat
  • 2 ceramic mats-one for the Bunsen and one for the heated liquid to be put on
  • 1 500ml bottle of Sodium Thiosulphate
  • 1 500ml bottle of Hydrochloric acid
  • 1 stop clock
  • 1 Bunsen burner
  • A couple of paper towels to lift the liquid of the gauze mat once heated.
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  To start off my experiment, I will collect all of our equipment and set it up. I will place the ceramic mats on the table then place the Bunsen on top of one and hook it up to the gas. The tripod will be placed over the Bunsen and then on top of that will be the gauze mat .I will then measure 35ml of Sodium Thiosulphate with the aid of the measuring cylinder ...

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