effect of changing the concentration of a solution on the movement of water into and out of potato cells

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I have been asked to investigate the effect of changing the concentration of a solution on the movement of water into and out of potato cells.  I will be able to change the input of my experiment.  The input variable will be the concentration of the solution.  The 100% solution is sodium chloride dissolved in water (salt water).  This will be referred to as the 100% solution from now on.  But the type of solution is not important as Osmosis is all about differences in concentrations.  The output variable will be the weight of the potato chips, the movement of the water into and out of the potato.

Osmosis is the diffusion of water through a semi-permeable membrane from high concentration of water to a low concentration of water.  The water molecules move freely through the semi-permeable membrane this is a passive process.  We will do this experiment by placing potato chips in different strength solutions and checking for mass increase/decrease.



I hypothesize that if we place potato chips in different strength solutions that there should be different results, some with noticeable changes in mass the other will be nearly the same.  The potatoes should gain/lose mass by the movement of water.  If there is a change in mass it is because water has entered or left the cell.  So the experiment will be based upon the movement of water.

The first potato chip will be placed in a zero percent solution.  I believe that this will increase the mass.  I believe this because the zero percent solution has a lower concentration then the cell sap inside the potato.  The potato takes on the water through Osmosis and the cell pushes out from inside the cell making it swell and become more rigid.

The second potato chip will be placed in a fifty percent solution.  I believe that the mass will not change for this potato chip because the concentration of the cell sap and the solution is nearly the same.  This means the concentration will be nearly even inside and outside the cell.  But this does not mean that osmosis is not taking place.  Osmosis is the movement of water, the water still moves between the semi-permeable membranes.

The third potato chip will be placed in a hundred percent solution.  I believe that this will make the potato chip shrivel and become flexible and stringy.  This is because there is a higher concentration outside the cells and the water is being taken out to even the concentrations.  This is what happens when a plant dies.  The water leaves it by Osmosis and the plant wilts and dies.



Firstly here is a list of equipment I used:

  • Boiling tubes
  • Weighing scales
  • Knife
  • Paper towels
  • 100% solution
  • 0% solution (distilled water)
  • measuring beakers
  • potato chips
  • Cork borer

We planned to start our experiment by doing some preliminary work.  We planned to set up our experiment in the following way.  We take one potato and cut from it three even potato chips.  (These potato chips will never be the same weight as we had to cut them ourselves and it is too inaccurate.  So we decided to calculate the percentage gain/loss as this would mean that the measurements are all on the same scale.)  We then would weigh the potato chips on a very sensitive weighing scale.  These weighing scales can weigh things to a hundredth of a gram so our measurements would be very accurate.  We’d note down the weights.  Then we’d got our solutions ready. We were only given a 100% solution and a 0% solution so we had to mix them in the right ratio to get all the solutions we needed.  We decided to do 5 different types of solutions so we would have a wide range of results and it would be more accurate.  We’d use 100%, 75%, 50%, 25%, 0% solutions in our experiment.  But for preliminary work we would only need three different strength solutions.  These were the absolute max the absolute zero and the middle, 100%, 50% 0% solutions.

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        We’d cut three potato chips weighed them, noted this down and then put them in the solutions.  We’d make the solutions by mixing distilled water with a salt solution.  The solutions we’d use would be in the ratio 100% solution: 0% solution, so it was 1:0, 1:1, 0:1.  1:0 means that for every 1 cubic cm of distilled water we put in we put in 0 cubic cm’s of solution.  1:1 means that for every 1 cubic cm of solution we put in we added 1 cubic cm of distilled water.  The solutions and the potato chips would be in ...

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