Effects of Exercise on Cardiac Output.

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Sasha Caddy,                                                                                22/12/03


Effects of Exercise on Cardiac Output

        From the two graphs there are distinctive trends and patterns. In the first graph, which shows the averages of both male and female affected heart rates per minute according to the levels of activity performed, there is an average resting heart rate for both males (74 bpm) and females (78 bpm), there is then a slight rise when undergoing the mild exercise of walking: male (77 bpm), female (86 bpm), then there is a decrease in heart rate in both counts when resting again: male (74 bpm), female (79 bpm - the females average is nearly back to its original resting pulse rate). The average heart rates at anticipation are a higher and slightly steeper rise: male (87 bpm), female (93 bpm), than the mild exercise. Then finally when sprinting there is a much greater and steeper curved line as the heart rates both increased tremendously: male (151 bpm), female (142 bpm).

        However, the difference between resting and exercise is that when exercising, the heart's pulse rate is incredibly high compared to the resting heart rate where it is a lot lower. This is due to the body as a whole, using oxygen and glucose more quickly when exercising, so the blood must deliver it more rapidly, therefore the heart needs to pump a greater volume of blood each minute when sprinting than it does when resting. The male heart rate from resting to exercise has more than doubled, whereas the female heart rate has less than doubled the rate, this could be due to a number of reasons, such as the females were probably not running at a harder pace than the males, so there is a larger increase in the male's heart rate.

        Although, the difference between the male's and female's heart rate per minute throughout these levels of activity is that at first the female's resting heart rate is 4 beats per minute higher than the male's, this may be because the males have a higher level of fitness overall than females so their pulse rate is lower. An explanation for this could be that the oxygen consumption of like-sized fit and unfit (trained and untrained) individuals will approximately be the same at rest or at any given level of activity. However, the more fit people e.g. males, will be able to achieve a greater maximal oxygen consumption due to regular aerobic exercise. As a person participates in regular aerobic exercise, the heart, lungs and muscles become more efficient at using oxygen. Resulting in the heart pumping more blood with each stroke, the lung capacity of each inhalation increases, and the muscle fibres extract more oxygen from the blood. The effect of exercise on the heart is quite obvious when heart rates are compared between the fittest and unfit individuals. The trained individuals will have a lower heart rate at rest (perhaps as low as 50 beats per minute in some cases) and during e.g. walking, than the untrained individuals (who might have a resting rate of 80 bpm). During low levels of exercise, the unfit person will experience a large increase in heart rate, while the fit person's heart rate will not rise nearly as much, from the graph you can see that this is the same for the female and male averages when carrying out mild exercise as the female's heart rate has increased more than the male's. Also after the mild exercise, there is another stage of resting, at the end of resting the pulse rates are taken. As you can see the male's heart rate per minute has returned back to the original resting rate, whereas the female's second resting heart rate is 1 beat per minute higher than the first. This could be because as the male's heart rate didn't increase nearly as much as the female's during mild exercise, it is easier for the male's heart rate to return back to 'normal'. During anticipation the heart rates both increase more than the mild exercise, although the female's anticipation heart rate is slightly higher (an extra 1 beat per minute), this is because adrenaline is being released from the adrenal glands (situated above the kidneys) into the bloodstream, where it flows to the heart causing it to beat faster.

        At exercise both male and female heart rates per minute have increased greatly. However, from the graph you can see that the female's heart rate has crossed over the male's, so that the male's heart rate is 9 beats per minute higher than the female's. This could be due to the males active muscles working much faster than the females so therefore more oxygen and glucose is being used, causing a sudden increase in heart rate. The females active muscles possibly couldn't work at the same pace as the males, therefore less oxygen and glucose is used, so there is a less increase in heart rate per minute than the male's heart rate.

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        In the second graph, which shows the averages of both male and female affected heart rates per minute according to the level of activity performed and time spent (minuntes) after exercise, there is a tremendous high heart rate for the male's (151 bpm) and female's (142 bpm) resulting from the exercise, then after one minute there is a steep fall in the heart rate per minute to male's (121 bpm), female's (124 bpm). Which is followed by a gradual decrease in heart rate for the following two to five minutes; male's (111 bpm - 94 bpm), female's (112 bpm ...

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