Factors That Affect the Rate of a Chemical Reaction.

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 Factors That Affect the Rate of a Chemical Reaction

Name: Fahad E. Al Butairi

Badge: #277045

Instructor: Mr. Fawaz


It’s useful to be able to predict whether an action will affect the rate at which a chemical reaction proceeds. There are several factors that can influence the rate of a chemical reaction. In general, a factor that increases the number of collisions between particles will increase the reaction rate and a factor that decreases the number of collisions between particles will decrease the chemical reaction rate. As we will see in the following experiments there are different types of factors that will affect the rate of a chemical reaction.


What is a Chemical Reaction?

A chemical reaction occurs when substances (the reactants) collide with enough energy to rearrange and form different compounds (the products). This type of collision is called a successful collision, and the energy used to form these compounds is called the Activation Energy.

 What is the Activation Energy?

Activation energy is the amount of energy required for the reactants to successfully react. The reactants need a certain amount of energy, any extra energy increases they’re chance of a successful collision.

What is the rate of a chemical reaction?

The rate of a chemical reaction is a measure of how quickly a reaction proceeds with time.

The reaction rate is a quantity that defines how the concentration of a reactant or product changes with time. It depends on four main factors that can change it: Surface area, concentration, temperature, catalysts.


  1. I predict that the rate of reaction should increase as I increase the surface area between the reactants, because there will be more collisions between the reactants’ atoms which will increase the rate of reaction.

  1. I predict that the rate of reaction should increase as I increase the concentration of the acid, because higher concentration means more reacting atoms which will increase the number of collisions and increase the rate of reaction.

  1. I predict that the rate of reaction should increase as I increase the temperature, because increasing the temperature of the reacting atoms means supplying them with more kinetic energy which will make them move faster and collide more with each other and that will of course increase the rate of reaction.

  1. I predict that the rate of reaction should change as I add catalysts. Catalysts are substances that can influence the reaction by two ways; either to increase, or decrease, the rate of reaction. It can increase it either by weakening the chemical bonds that are needed to be broken, which means less energy needed for the reaction to take place, or by holding one of the reactants and so the other reactant can collide easily with it. The catalyst can also decrease the rate of reaction by acting as a barrier that keeps the atoms of the reactants from colliding.
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Materials and Equipment:


  • Magnetic stirrer with bar.
  • Conical flask.
  • Delivery tube with stopper.
  • Gas-collection tube.
  • Water trough.
  • Laboratory stands.
  • Utility clamps.
  • Measuring-cylinder (50ml).
  • Micro-spatula.
  • Stop-clock.
  • Water bath.
  • Polystyrene cup.


-        1.00M hydrochloric acid.

  • 0.20M hydrochloric acid.

-        Magnesium ribbon (10 cm strips).

  • Zinc metal (mossy).
  • Steel wool.
  • 0.20M solutions of copper (II) nitrate; nickel (II) nitrate and cobalt (II) nitrate; iron (II) ammonium sulfate(s).
  • Distilled water.

Methods and Procedure:


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