Find out how fast the rate of reaction is in marble chips and hydrochloric acid.

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Liz Elliott

Rates of reaction.

Marble chips and Hydrochloric acid.

Aim: In this experiment we are trying to find out how fast the rate of reaction is in marble chips and hydrochloric acid.

Prelim: For our preliminary experiment we did three different types of experiments for us to see.

Method 1) First, he used a measuring cylinder in water connected to a tube connected to a conical flask with the marble chips and acid inside it. The aim was to see the gas bubbles in the measuring cylinder.

Method 2) Our second method was to use a gas syringe connected to a conical flask. The aim was for the gas to push the syringe up and measure the amount it had moved every 10 seconds.

Method 3) In this experiment we weighed the marble chips and acid on a digital balance and then weighed it again after the reaction had taken place through the cotton wool.

These are the results of the three preliminary results.
Method 2 worked best because it had the most varied results compared to the other two. Method 3 had no change at all and method 1 was less accurate and more difficult to set up. I will use this for my main experiment.

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The rate of reaction is how quickly the chemical reaction takes place. During a reaction, we can measure how much of the reaction is taking place at different times. We can use graphs to show this.

The gradient of the line in a graph tells us how quickly the reaction is taking place. The steeper the slope, the faster the reaction.

Main Experiment

Aim: To find out about the aspects that affect the rates of reaction. I have chosen to vary ...

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