How does exercise affect your heart rate?

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How does exercise affect your heart rate?

Aim:                                                                                            The heart rate of a human varies from 150 beats per minute in young children, to about 60 in the aged. However, I am not interested in the differing rates between the aged and young, I intend to investigate whether doing exercise may alter the rate or ones heart rate considerably.

Variables:                                                                                Things that we could change in the experiment that could change the heart rate are:

  • Type of exercise
  • Speed of exercise
  • Distance travelled during exercise
  • Time for exercise
  • The time I wait before I take my heart rate after an exercise

In my investigation the…

…independent variable is the type of exercise, speed of exercise and time for exercise.

…the dependant variable is the number of heart beats in a minute

…the control variables are the time I wait before I take my heart rate after an exercise and the distance travelled during exercise.

Independent variables.                                                                     I will vary the type of exercise between walking, jogging and running so I’m basically just going to be changing the speed and when speed is changed the time taken to travel a certain distance naturally changes as well.

Dependent Variables.                                                                        I will count my heart beat straight after an exercise for one minute. I will know when time has reached 1 minute because I will use an electronic stopwatch.

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Control Variables.                                                                             I will keep the test fair by moving over a marked out distance of 30m each time I complete exercise and I will make sure I count my heart rate starting from the exact moment I have stopped doing my exercise.

Prediction:                                                                                  From my scientific knowledge I predict that the rate of respiration will increase as a result of exercise. I think that there will be a gradual increase to begin with, but as the body has to work harder I believe that the heart will then increase at a ...

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