How Does Lifestyle Affect the Circulatory System?

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             How does lifestyle affect the circulatory system?

Circulatory diseases are the most common killers in the western world and this figure will continue to grow, but why; societies new lifestyle has changed a lot over the last 100years and this is the reason.

Many factors can be the cause of this genetics, diet, cigarette smoking, high blood pressure, consuming acholol, lack of excerise, or a combination of some or all of these factors are the main culprits.

The heart is a perfect muscle that roughly beats about 100,000 times every day, pumping about 2,000 gallons of blood, From this you can see it needs to be in a prime condition all the time and often needs a work out. The population has become very sedentary particularly in Europe and America, this is directly affecting the numbers of people suffering with some form of circulatory illnesses, its clear we must change our life styles and in this essay I will be looking at the main circulatory problems; heart disease, arteriosclerosis, high cholesterol levels and problems linking to and causing these issues like obesity, diabetes, smoking and blood pressure.

Cardiovascular deaths are rising compared with other causes of death. Here is some information from the American heart association.

“For the first time since 1980 in aging men and women. In the USA alone 1.5 million people have heart attacks every year at a cost of $51.6 billion. The American Heart Association's Heart reports cardiovascular diseases killed 954,138 in the US in 1993. Stroke deaths rose to 150,000. And the number of people treated in the hospital for cardiovascular diseases rose to 5.7 million.”

This graph shows that the death due to heart diseases is lowering and although thousands still die at least we can see medical techniques are getting better. This is due to our advancing technology. There are many methods of treating different heart disease, transplant being the most drastic and a simple life style the least. There are also drug therapies, bypass surgeries, valve replacements, pacemakers and many more.

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The heart is the central organ of the circulatory system, a muscular pump that continuously forces blood around the body and through the lungs where it takes on oxygen. The blood pumps through to the veca Cava in veins deoxygenated and up through the pulmonary artery to the lungs and then back to the left side of the heart were the blood in pumped through the values in the heart up into the atrium and then out of the aorta to the rest of the via arteries to body and brain. There are three vital blood vessels involved in caring ...

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This is an average essay which contains a lot of information about the different types of heart disease. It does not however use scientific fact, theory or statistics to reinforce the text. 3 stars.