How does the concentration if a regent affects the speed of chemical reaction?

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Aim: How does the concentration if a regent affects the speed of chemical reaction?


    My reaction will use Calcium carbonate which is a solid and hydrochloric acid which is a solution in the acid particles that are free to move around.

I predict that the stronger the acid concentration, the faster the chemical reaction so 2 molar would be faster than 1 molar in a fair test.

This is because of a higher concentration of the acid solution contains more particles per cm than the lower concentration acid solution. The rate of a reaction depends on how hard and fast the hydrochloric acid and the calcium carbonate particles collide.

 Hydrochloric particles are free to move when in the solution. When mixed with calcium carbonate, more concentrated acid reacts faster because there are more collisions per second. In fact if you double the acid concentration you get twice as many particle per cm3 so twice as many collisions so you get double the speed of reaction.

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This means the acid concentration and the reaction rate should be directly proportional in my experiments.

In all the reactions it is only the high-energy collisions that produce a reaction.

If the collusion is not hard enough the particles just bounces off each other.






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