How light intensity effects theRate of photosynthesis

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Biology Coursework


How light intensity effects the

Rate of photosynthesis


To find the rate of photosynthesis at different light intensities by measuring the amount of bubbles produced.


When the lamp is close to the pond weed, the rate of photosynthesis will increase.  I think this because by increasing light intensity, we are allowing more light energy to be absorbed by chlorophyll in the chloroplasts.  The light gives energy to the particles in the cytoplasm causing them to collide more, therefore increasing the rate of photosynthesis.

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I predict that when the light source is nearest the plant, the more oxygen will be produced.


200 cm water in a beaker, paper clip, Elodea pond weed, thermometer, lamp, ruler, sodium hydrogen carbonate, stop watch.


  1. Fill beaker with 200 cm of water.
  2. Stir in sodium hydrogen carbonate.
  3. Put paper clip on pond weed and place in beaker – snap off end under water.
  4. Turn on lamp next to the beaker for 1 minute.
  5. After 1 minute, take temperature reading and count the number of bubbles produced by the snapped end of ...

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