Humans and Sustainability

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For me sustainability goes to the origin of the word, which is to sustain. In this context, sustainability means to be able to sustain human life. For that is the primary concern for humans. While it is important for us to bear in mind the sustainability of other life forms, when broken down those concerns go back to the concern for the survivability of the human race.         To sustain the human race is very complicated procedure because of the multitude of variables that go into it. Humans obviously need food, water, and shelter. To provide food, there needs to be ways of distribution and production. Food also needs to be nutritious enough so
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that humans can perform necessary tasks and to remain healthy. Water is necessary for most biological tasks and is also used for many other tasks required in food production, mainly the growing of certain foods. Shelter is key because human’s survivability rate without protection from the elements is low compared to that of the humans who did have shelters. However, humans require more than these bare necessities to survive as a productive, for there is more to life than gaining the bare necessities.         Humans are political creatures, in that they naturally tend to form social groups. Social groups increase the ...

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