In this investigation we are going to compare the water loss from the different leaves over a fixed period of time.

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Year 11 Biology Investigation

Water Loss from Leaves

        In this investigation we are going to compare the water loss from the different leaves over a fixed period of time.

We will need:

Preliminary:                                 Experiment:

1 Laurel Leaf                                        2 Boss Clamps

        1 Silver Birch                                        4 Silver Birch Leaves

        1 Hawthorn Leaf                                4 Laurel Leaves

        1 Forsythia Leaf                                4 Hawthorn Leaves

        1 Sycamore Leaf                                4 Forsythia Leaves

        Clear Nail Varnish                                4 Sycamore Leaves

        Forceps                                        15 Paper Clips

Scalpel                                         Permanent Pen                

        Sellotape                                        Pan Balance                        

        5 Microscope Slides                                String

        Microscope (x7)                                                


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Preliminary Work


As a preliminary experiment, we need to discover the amount of stomata in a section of each of the leaves. We need to do this, because since the stomata are an opening in the leaf where water is more likely to escape from, therefore, the more stomata, the greater the water loss.

To do this, we will take one of each leaf and paint an area of the bottom of them with some clear nail varnish. We will then carefully peel off a flake of dried nail varnish with the forceps and scalpel. We ...

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