Investigate the effect of Activator concentration on the rate of reaction of fungal amylase

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Asim Muneeb Aslam


Biology Practical Assignmnet [AS]

Investigate the effect of Activator concentration on the rate of reaction of fungal amylase


Investigate the effect of Activator concentration (Calcium) on the rate of reaction of enzyme (fungal amylase) using Starch as a substrate.


Enzymes are made of globular proteins and each enzyme molecule is of a particular complex shape complementary to the substrate, which it breaks. The shape of the enzyme and its active site is due to the specific folding of the polypeptides chain within it. Enzymes behave as biological catalyst. A biological catalyst is a substance that breaks down large molecule of food into smaller ones, so that they can be absorbed into the body's blood stream; however, they break down the substance without being used them selves, hence known also as a biological catalyst. They do so by binding themselves temporary to the substrate on their active site that lowers the amount of energy needed to spark a chemical reaction this energy is also known as the activation energy.

Enzyme are subject to change by external stimuli, these stimuli may be chemical e.g. pH, enzyme Concentration and Substrate concentration or physical e.g. Heat or temperature. These stimuli can alter the overall time it takes for the break down of a molecule for a given substance this /time is otherwise known as the rate of reaction. Depending on the type of the stimuli, concentration, volume or the temperature which the enzyme is being subjected to the rate of reaction can be decreased, increased or not be effected at all.

However, there are some factors, which directly affect the enzymes structures amongst these are inhibitors {slow down or stop the reaction} and Alosteric Inhibitor (Activators) {acts as stabilisers}. As my experiment concerns the practical implications of Activators and how they affect the rate of reaction, therefore I will go into detail about activators.

Activators usually work by binding to a part of the enzyme not at the active site. This is because enzymes are specific/ specialised; anything that binds at the active site other than the substrate would interfere with the enzyme, and therefore would be classed as an inhibitor.

A little pocket in the structure of the enzyme exists {away from the active site} where the activator binds. Upon binding with the pocket it comes into contact with the atoms present. Therefore binding with the structure causing it to alter the shape of the Enzyme and provide stability.

I have concluded to use Ca+ ions from CaCl2 as the Activator for this experiment as it reacts with most fungal and alpha Glucose where as other Activators like Chloride ions which react at lower temperatures as compared to Ca+ ions but there major draw back being that they do not react with most Fungal and Alpha – amylases therefore will not be suitable for use in the experiment.  


In order to insure that the experiment conducted is fair, it is vital to determine the variables in a manor, which will have the least effect on the experiment.

Therefore I will be addressing each of the variables separately.

Controlled Variables

  • Temperature – as stated above the temperature has a great effect on the rate of reaction, thus it is important to insure that the temperature is kept constant through out the experiment. By conducting the experiment over water Bath, which is kept at a constant temperature of 60 C the temperature of the reaction will be controlled.
  • pH - I will be using the pH Buffer solution of 4.5 through out the investigation as by keeping the pH constant and not at the optimum will show us the effect of the Activator more clearly and it will be quite measurable. On the other hand if I use the optimum pH then the reaction will be too fast and will be very difficult to measure. (I will confirm my statement in the pilot test)
  • Concentration / volume of Enzyme (fungal Amylase) – The concentration of the enzyme will be kept constant at 0.1 % and the volume used in t experiment will also be kept constant. This will insure that the variable does not have any effect on the rate of reaction therefore allowing the effect of the activator on the rate of reaction to be measured.
  • Concentration / volume of substrate (Starch) – the concentration and the volume of Starch will be kept constant through out the experiment at 2% concentration and the volume will be determined by the pilot test.
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Independent Variable  

As the investigation is based upon the effect of the change in the concentration of activator therefore it should be kept as the independent variable. The reason being, that the effect of the activator concentration can only be measured when the Activator concentration is being varied. Therefore I will be using the following concentrations for my experiment. 0.5%, 1%, 1.5%, 2%, 2.5% and 3%

Fair Test

Certain measures have to be carried out in order to insure that a fair test is carried out. Which are as follows: -

  • The experiment ...

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