Investigate The Limiting Factors of photosynthesis.

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Investigate The Limiting Factors of photosynthesis

AIM: The aim of this investigation is to explore how light intensity effects photosynthesis. We will be looking at the light factor and changing it. This will be to increase or decrease the intensity of the light.



-   Collect all of the apparatus needed for the experiment

  • Fill trough and collection tube with water
  • (Make sure that you are wearing an apron and safety goggles)
  • Set up apparatus as shown on the above diagram
  • Place the pondweed in the test tube and add sodium hydroxide
  • Put lamp in front of the test tube and observe gas produced
  • Decrease the distance of the lamp from the test tube three times at 10cm changes each time
  • Do the test three times for each distance

    We have decided that it is not appropriate to use a gas collection tube in this experiment because not enough gas will be produced. So we will count the amount of bubbles produced, then record this in a table.

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  • We put a piece of pondweed 4.5cm tall into 6cm’s of sodium hydroxide into a boiling tube
  •  We weighed it down with a piece of plastercine so there was enough room to see the bubbles coming up
  • We turned the lamp on 10cm’s away from the test tube so that the pondweed could equilibrate to the light
  • We then put on a timer and counted the amount of bubbles which came off in two minuets
  • We did this at 10, 20, 30 and 40 cm’s 3 times each and recorded our results


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