Investigating Enzymes and the effects of different variables such as temperature on how they work

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Investigating Enzymes and the effects of different variables such as temperature on how they work

By Luke Warner



Chapter 1 – Preliminary experiment

Chapter 2 – Method

Chapter 3 – Equipment

Chapter 4 – Results tables

Chapter 5 – Graphs of results

Chapter 6 – Rate of reactions with averages

Chapter 7 – Rate of reactions (averages) graph




The aim of this experiment is to study how different variables can affect enzymes. We will be investigating catalase, an enzyme present in peroxisome, which is found in most cells. Catalase is an enzyme that converts hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen. The word and symbol equations for this are:

Hydrogen Peroxide  Water + Oxygen

2H2 O → 2H2O + O2

Catalase is essential for organisms because it eliminates harmful hydrogen

peroxide, a by-product of many metabolic processes. Catalase also oxidises some

toxins, namely formic acid, formaldehyde, alcohols and phenols.

Chapter 1 – Preliminary experiment

The experiment

Originally, we performed the experiment by dicing up potatoes, placing them in a

test tube, adding a drop of detergent and then finally 10cm3 Hydrogen Peroxide

(H2O2). To measure the rate of reaction, we measured the height of the bubbles.

However this was not very accurate because the bubbles popped often, and

kept on changing in height. The results also contained lots of variation, and two


                        Temperature                                       Rate of Reaction  (Vol. Produced ÷ Time)  

 The variable we change here is the temperature, but the ones we kept

the same were potato size (although not accurately) and the concentration of

hydrogen peroxide. Unfortunately we have no control over room temperature,

and exact potato size.

Conclusion and evaluation of preliminary experiment

We decided that the best step to take was to use yeast instead of potatoes

because they contain a consistent amount of catalase, and all come from the

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same source, unlike potatoes and they also do not have different varieties. Also

they come in very small pieces of equal size. This makes it easy to measure

the mass accurately. This also makes sure the surface area is the same. The

variables we will have in the real experiment will stay the same. We will

still measure the oxygen (O2) given off, however by using a gas syringe rather

than attempting to measure the height of constantly changing bubbles. We will

change the temperature in the new experiment. We generate the heat by placing

the bottles of H2O2 in ...

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An excellent GCSE level experiment report, containing a clear method based on a relevant trial experiment. Results tables, conclusions and data interpretations are clear, and the evaluation is adequate. To improve: 1)Identify the dependent variable, independent variable and control variables clearly 2)Clearly explain why the sources of error that are identified will reduce the reliability of results (eg inadequately cleaned equipment) or the accuracy of readings (eg some oxygen escaping) 3)Think through the method improvements that are proposed more thoroughly. Think about how the sources of error identified could be eliminated and how a more precise conclusion about optimum temperature could be reached

Here's what a star student thought of this essay

Key words are used well to show students' understanding of topic. Align the text so its easier to follow and understand. Spelling and grammar is good.

Data is used within coursework to relate to the question although level of analysis is too basic at some parts. For instance when referred to denatured, the student could improve his mark by explaining in detail why enzyme is denatured (referring to optimum temp) to ensure clarity of his point. To further improve, student could create a list of factors affecting experiment (incomplete cleaning of equipment for eg).

An excellent response to a coursework expected of a GCSE student. Well structured and explains basic science behind the investigation (what catalase is) well and data from table is referred well throughout. To improve briefly explain what is meant by accurate,reliable and outlier. Clearly state different variables using key words (independent, control etc).