Investigating the Effect of Substrate Concentration on the Rate of a Catalyse Reaction- plan

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Investigating the Effect of Substrate Concentration on the Rate of a Catalyse Reaction.



Enzymes are biological catalysts they speed up the rate of reactions. They are globular proteins, which have a complex 3-dimensional shape. The substrate fits into the active site of the enzyme. The enzyme action is more dynamic than believe previously; the induced fit theory means that the substrate enters the active sit of the enzyme then changes its shape slightly to hold the substrate. The substrate fits in to enzyme by electrostatic attraction. Sometimes products can be broken down, and other times two substrates bond together to fit in to the active sit. These are called catabolic and anabolic reactions respectively. Enzymes are never used up, but they can be used to catalyse further reactions.

I have chosen to investigate the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen, by the enzyme catalyse.

Hydrogen peroxide        catalyse        water + oxygen

                2H2O2          catalyse            2H2O + O2

I have chosen to investigate this equation because a gas is produced which is easier to measure when collecting needed data.

Enzyme reactions rely on successful collisions between enzymes and substrates. Increased temperature results in increases kinetic energy. Every 10°C rise in temperature results in kinetic energy, therefore doubling the rate of reaction. Beyond an optimum temperature (40°C) there is a loss of the tertiary protein structure of the enzyme. The active site has changed so the substrate no longer fits in its active site, so the reaction can no longer take place. The enzyme denatures at this temperature, there is a loss of specificity and the enzyme ceases to function.

        Optimum temperature

        Increased kinetic          

        energy                Enzyme denatures

Most enzymes work most efficiently around neural, at pH 7. There is an electrostatic attraction between the enzyme’s active sit and substrate. Minor fluctuations in pH will interrupt this interaction. Extreme pH’s causes enzymes to denature. The tertiary structure of the enzyme is affected by change in pH because it attracts and repels the R-groups pulling the active sit out of shape.

This is demonstrated in the graph below.

                     Optimum pH

                                                   Loss of electrostatic attractions

        Enzyme denatures

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If the substrate concentration is kept constant, but the enzyme concentration is increases the initial rate of reaction will increase. There is more of a chance of a successful collision between the substrate and the active site. The overall volume of products produced will be the same. If the enzyme concentration is kept constant but the substrate concentration increases, the rate will change. At the beginning there are more substrate particles so more collisions will take place, but after the initial rate, it plateaus as the active site will be occupied by the substrates, and so have to ...

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