Investigating the rate of photosynthesis in pondweed.

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Investigating the rate of photosynthesis in pondweed

Possible variables and preliminary work

Chosen Variable

My chosen variable is concentration of CO2  because it gave me a good range of results and it is a main factor of photosynthesis.

Fair Testing

To keep this a fair test I will change only my chosen variable and keep all other variables the same.


To ensure safety I will bare these things in mind and check that everything is safe before and during the experiment. I will be careful of water and electricity, lamp becoming hot, handling glass and sodium hydrogen carbonate.

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  • Photosynthometer
  • Clamp
  • Sodium hydrogen carbonate
  • Lamp
  • Pond weed
  • Beaker
  • Water



We will set up the apparatus as shown in the diagram above. We will put the lamp 20mm away from the beaker. We will add 0.5g of sodium hydrogen carbonate to a beaker of water. We will then time it for 1min and after that pull the syringe up until there is a bubble in ...

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