Investigating WaterPotential of Plant Cells

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Investigating Water Potential of Plant Cells

Aim: To devise an experiment which will determine the water potential of a sample of root potato cells.

Background Information

Osmosis is the movement of water molecules through (partially permeable) membranes of cells. The overall movement of the molecules will be from a region with high water potential to a region of low water potential.

A solution can be given a value which gives a measure of the tendency of the water molecules to move from one region to another. The water potential value of a solution is given based on two variables; the concentration of water molecules within the solution, and the pressure applied to the solution.

If the water potential of two regions, with a (partially permeable) membrane between them, is the same; then the overall movement of water molecules between them will be at equilibrium. The molecules will not move between the regions with the same rate going in as going out.

I can use this principle to find (approximately) the water potential of a sample of potato cells. Potato cells are surrounded by a partially permeable membrane; this will allow water molecules to pass freely between the cells and its surroundings. I could place the potato cells in solutions with different water potentials. The solution where the overall gain/loss of mass (water molecules) is zero is the solution with the same water potential as the potato cells sample. This is expressed in the diagram below.


I predict that the water potential of the potato cells will be lower than that of pure water. It is difficult to state an approximate figure for the water potential of the potato cells sample without performing some preliminary tests first.


There are several variables which could affect the outcome of the experiment.

The surface area of the potato samples will affect the rate of reaction. A bigger surface area will give a greater chance of osmosis between the potato sample and the solution around it. I will keep this constant by using a cork borer to take the samples from the potato, the samples will also all be cut to the same length.

Fluctuations in temperature will affect the kinetic energy of the molecules. The samples will be kept together and readings will be taken in one session to minimise the effect of temperature.

Water potential is likely to differ between potatoes, and will definitely be different between potatoes of different harvests (age) and different types. The potato samples will all be taken from the same potato.

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The water source for making up the solutions will be kept the same to minimise the chances of differences in the number of impurities between the solutions. Greater impurities would lower the water potential.

The concentrations of the solutions used will have to be carefully administered. Inconsistencies between the concentrations used will affect the results of the experiment. The different concentrations will be made up separately for each repeat run of the experiment and will be made using syringes and measuring cylinders accurate to 1ml.

Minor precautions will include, making sure that the apparatus used is clean and not contaminated.


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