Investigating which fuel will give out the most energy

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Investigating which fuel will give out the most energy


To investigate which of 6 fuels will give out the most energy.


We will be burning six fuels in a spirit burner to heat a beaker holding 100ml of water in it. For each fuel, we will measure the starting temperature of the water before we heat it, and then measure the temperature of the water at the end of the investigation. The change in temperature between these two readings will allow us to work out how much energy has been released by the fuel using the formula:

Mass of water x 4.2 x temperature change = energy transferred from the fuel to the water


  • Tin Can
  • 100ml Water
  • Spirit Burner
  • Clamp Stand
  • 6 Fuels
  • Thermometer
  • Top-pan Balance
  • Ruler


  1. Set up the equipment as shown above and add one of the fuels to the spirit burner, making sure that the wick of the burner is 4cm from the base of the can.
  2. Put 100ml of water into the beaker and check the mass of the filled beaker on the top-pan balance.
  3. Record the temperature of the water in the beaker.
  4. Light the burner and allow the fuel to burn for 2 minutes.
  5. Record the temperature of the water in the beaker again.
  6. Repeat the above steps for the other fuels.
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I will be wearing goggles as the investigation uses glassware. If there are any spillages of fuel I will be wiping them up immediately.

Fair Test

For each fuel I will be using a fresh 100ml of water to make sure that the water does not have a high temperature to start with. Another method I will be using to prevent the above occurring is by checking the starting temperature of the water to make sure that it is the same as with the previous fuels. I will also be checking that the beaker is a ...

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