Investigation into Osmosis

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Ben Raffles        Page         4/26/2007

Investigation into Osmosis


Osmosis is the diffusion of water from a high to low water concentration across a membrane which will let water through but not the solute dissolved in the water. The amount of water they contain affects their stiffness, more water-stiffer, less-limper. Plants in soil have their roots in a dilute solution of mineral ions. When they are suddenly flooded by sea water, whose concentration is approximately 0.3 moles of NaCl per litre, they are observed to shrink and wilt, becoming floppy. I intend to investigate why this sudden floppiness occurs by using potato chips as plant cells and investigating their response to different strengths of salt solutions.


The expected result of the practical would be that the 0.2mol concentration of NaCl would not really increase or decrease the mass of the potato chip in it because it had been submerged in a similar solution. Also there should not be any change in the turgidity of this chip as no more water molecules are leaving or entering the chip.


The other chips in different concentrations of NaCl had expected results as well. Below are the expected trend of results for all of the values use, 0.0(distilled water), 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 and 1.0 (0.2 concentration has already been accounted for)

  1. Concentration of NaCl: (Distilled water- water potential 100%)

Here the expected results should see a positive correlation in the results as more free water molecules diffuse over the semi-permeable membrane of the cell. The mass should eventually stop swelling due to the concentration of free water molecules being equal on either sides, or high internal pressure acting on the cell, preventing osmosis from occurring. Also due to this high internal pressure, the chip will feel turgid.

0.2 Concentration of salt in soil (chips stored in solution similar to this)

It would be expected here that neither the mass, nor the turgidity (flexibility) would increase or decrease dramatically and should remain around the same for the entire practical. This is effectively the control experiment to make sure that the chips will not change mass is just left in water, even if no osmosis will occur.

The concentrations of 0.4 (similar to the concentration of sea water that floods the plants), 0.6, 0.8 and 1.0 molar of NaCl will be expected to all decrease in mass to different degrees depending on the concentrations. The smaller concentrations should decrease the least and the highest salt solution concentration, of 1.0 moles/litre should have the highest mass loss. This rule applies for the turgidity of the chips as the lower concentrations will become only slightly floppier but the higher concentrations will become more floppy however they will all become flaccid.

The other important but independent variable involved on this practical is time. Time can’t be stopped and is continuous and so allows the changes in the mass in the chips to be measured against something. Time must however be taken into account during this

practical as it may show some trends in the changing of the mass and show different rates at which the osmosis occurred within the chips. As time passed, I would expect the concentrations lower than the concentration the chip had been stored in to increase in mass up to a point where the values level off. Also there could be a change in the rate at which the mass changes, decreasing with time as the concentrations of the solutions become more equal and so the probability of a water molecule diffusing in or out of the cell decrease and so the change in mass will slow down.

As time passes with the chip in the 0.2 mol concentration, there should not really be any large change in mass due to the equality of the two concentrations of free water molecules, inside and outside the cell walls. There is here an equal probability of diffusion one way as there is the other and so time should not make a difference here.

However, as time passes with the concentrations greater than 0.2, then there should be an observed difference in the mass of the chips. As time passes, the mass of the chip should decrease due to the water molecules moving from the cell to the solution due to the laws of probability. The rate of change in the mass should begin to increase and then, as with the other concentrations, there should be a plateau seen at the end of each of these tests if left long enough. This plateau however should be caused for a different reason, where as before it is thought that the plateau will form due to too much pressure, this time it could form is there is insufficient pressure inside the cell to allow any more out of the cell. However, another reason could be that the mass stabilizes due to the balance of the water molecules on both sides of the cell wall. As there is decreased pressure inside the cell, it is likely that there is nothing pushing on the cell wall and so the chips should become flaccid, or limp. The above prediction can be seen at work during an earlier osmosis practical carried out during class time. Here the lesser concentrations were simply represented by the use of water and the higher concentrations represented by a strong salt solution. Here the results showed that the above prediction is true and the explanation above justifies it. In this practical, the plateau was reached at about 14 minutes and so this planned practical must go on for longer than that.

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The very high concentrations may decrease the mass so much that the cell cytoplasm that is made up mainly of water will begin to shrivel up. This may explain the expected limpness of the chips, as there is nothing pushing on the cell wall to keep the cell turgid. If the cytoplasm shrinks enough due to water loss, it may tear away form the cell wall. This is called plasmolysis. Below is a diagram of how plasmolysis occurs and should do during this experiment:

0mins                                5mins                                10mins



Below is my prediction of the graph ...

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