Investigation into the effect of sucrose concentration on osmosis in potato chips.

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Investigation into the effect of sucrose concentration on osmosis in potato chips


I have been asked to investigate the effect of osmosis on potato chips.  Osmosis is the movement of water molecules across a partially permeable membrane from a region of high water concentration to a region of low concentration.  There are different variables that effect osmosis.  They are listed and explained below:

◊        Mass of potatoes ~ the mass is very important because the bigger and heavier the potato chip, the longer it will take osmosis to occur.  If the size of the potato chip varies, so will the amount of mass it loses or gains.  The potato chip will be measured before it is put in solution, and after it has been taken out.  This will let me see how much osmosis has taken place.

◊        Concentration of sucrose solution ~ the stronger the solution, the quicker osmosis occurs.  More osmosis will occur out of the chip.  Because I am investigating different sucrose concentrations, I am going to put the potato chips in different concentrations.  These concentrations will be 0m, 0.2m, 0.4m, 0.6m, 0.8m, and 1m.

◊        Time ~ the longer you have the potato chips in solution, the better, because more osmosis can occur.  If you take the chips out after a few minutes, nothing is likely to have happened.  This is why the time is important.  More or less solution gets absorbed depending on the time.  I will be keeping my potato chips in for forty minutes so that it gives me good results.

◊        Room temperature ~ the colder it is, the longer it will take osmosis to occur.  I think that osmosis will occur best at room temperature, because if it is too hot, the semi-permeable membrane will be ruined, so I will do all the experiments at room temperature.

◊        Surface area ~ the surface area effects the chips because if there is a large surface area, more surface is exposed so osmosis occurs faster.  The thickness of the potato chip will stay 5mm.  The length will be measured at 4cm.

◊        Type of potato ~ this effects osmosis because different potatoes have different cell saps which effect the concentration.  Different potatoes may absorb at different rates.  That is why I will use the same potato.


I expect that in pure water, the potato chips will swell because water will enter the cells

by osmosis because starch is present and it is at a higher concentration than the water

so, water moves into the chips.  In the sucrose solution, the potato chips shrink because

water leaves their cells due to osmosis because osmosis occurs when molecules from a

low concentration move into a high concentration.  The higher the concentration of the

sucrose solution, the more water will move out of the potato chip.

A partially permeable membrane has small holes in it so only water molecules can pass

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through them.  The water molecules pass both ways through the membrane but because

there’s more on one side than the other, there’s a steady flow into the region with fewer

water molecules.  This causes the other region to fill up with water.  The water dilutes

the concentration on either side of the membrane.

This is what I think my graph of results will look like:

(Predicted graph)

Osmosis does not

occur at this point

on the graph.  The

mass does not change

either because the

concentration inside

and outside the chip


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