Investigation IntoThe Rate of Decomposition Using Acid Rain.

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Investigation Into The Rate of Decomposition Using Acid Rain

Acid rain is the main cause of erosion on buildings in cities. You are asked to investigate this process and what variables affect the rate of this erosion.

Background Knowledge

        Acid rain is a form of air pollution created from the combustion of fossil fuels; the fossil fuels contain sulphur that forms a gas when burned (Sulphur dioxide). The sulphur dioxide becomes oxidised creating sulphur trioxide, and this then reacts with the moist atmosphere creating sulphuric acid.

Sulphur dioxide + Oxygen  Sulphur trioxide

2SO2(g) + O2(g)  2SO3(g)

Sulphur trioxide + water  sulphuric acid

SO3 (g) +  H2O(l)  H2SO4(aq)

         The pH of acid rain is normally around 5.6 yet it has been known to reach a pH of 2.3 which is 1000 times more acidic than pure water, this has happened once in Eastern North America. When the acid reacts with metal hydrogen plus another substance is formed,

e.g. Sulphuric acid + Zinc  Zinc sulphate + hydrogen

                      H2SO4 (aq) + Zn (s)  ZnSO3 (aq) + H2 (g)

        When the acid reacts with limestone (the most damaged building material from acid rain) the reaction creates carbon dioxide, calcium sulphate, and water. This is because limestone is calcium carbonate, CaCO3.

Calcium   + Sulphuric  Water + Calcium + Carbon

carbonate      Acid                               sulphate    dioxide

        2CaCO3 (s) +H2SO4 (aq)  H2O (l) + 2CO2 (g) + CaSO5 (aq)

For a reaction to occur with acid rain and any choice of metal or with limestone, two things must be happening:

  • The particles must be colliding with each other,
  • And the particles must have enough energy to collide.

Also the factors that may affect this rate of reaction are:

  • Temperature
  • Surface Area
  • Concentration of substance
  • Catalysts

The temperature will affect the rate of reaction by providing the particles with enough energy to collide and move faster. So if there is a higher temperature there will be an increased rate of reaction.

 The surface area affects the rate by providing more surfaces for the particles to collide into. More surface area = faster reaction.

 Concentration of the substance affects rate of reaction by having more or less particles to collide. A higher concentration means there are more particles within the same volume, more particles means increases in the rate of reaction. Higher Concentration = faster reaction.

The catalyst will affect the rate of reaction by lowering the activation level needed for the reaction to take place. The activation level is the minimum amount of energy needed for a reaction to take place.


        I predict that as the concentration of acid increases so will the rate of reaction, telling me that they should be directly proportional to each other, this means that if you double the concentration of acid you double the amount of particles within the acid therefore doubling the rate of reaction, because as the amount of particles increases it means that there will be more particles to collide with the surface area of the metal, meaning that more collisions occur, this increase in collisions will speed up the reaction.                                                          

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        Before I can start my main experiment into the rates of reaction I must first find out which metal and which concentration of acid will best suit my purpose. I will do this by carrying out a few simple experiments.

        For the main experiment I will need a metal which will show me what happens when acid rain reacts with it, this metal has to have a fast rate of reaction as time is limited for the main experiment. For the preliminary experiment I added several metals to a beaker of 25cm3 of sulphuric acid ...

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