Investigation to find the isotonic point of potato cells

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Investigation to find the isotonic point of potato cells


In this experiment I used:

Test tubes, potato borer, potatoes, water, test tube rack, a mass balance, different concentrations of salt, beakers, a 10ml syringe and a 1ml syringe.



* We set up the apparatus, as above.

* We made up the different salt concentrations.(As shown overleaf)

* The potato borings were cut to a size of 10cm and then weighed on the mass balance, and their length was checked.

* They were then added to the test tubes and then left for 2 hours.


In this experiment there are quite a few variables, they are:

* The salt concentration.

* Temperature - This affects the energy the particles have. On the first day of the experiments, the temperature was 22oc, and on the second day the temperature was 21oc.

* Potato mass at the start of the experiment.

* Type of potato - We used a different type of potato during the trial experiment and the actual experiment.

* Presence of peel - Some peel might have been left on the potato boring which would affect its surface area.

* The length of the tissue - These could have been cut slightly differently which would affect the outcome.

Trial experiment

We carried out a trial experiment to roughly see the concentrations that the isotonic point was between. We also had a trial experiment to find out the best way to carry out the experiment. We found out that if we did not use small enough test tubes, the potato chip would not be fully submerged under the salt solution. We also used the trial experiment to find out roughly how long we should leave the potatoes in the solution. If the potatoes are left in the salt solution for too long, the potato chips go soggy, and are hard to measure the mass of.
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salt concn / mol dm3

Start /g


Mass change/g

% change/%
































As the salt concentrations weren't made up, we had to make them up ourselves. Here is a table to ...

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This is a good attempt at a report, although it is very brief. 1. The background knowledge section should be at the start and needs to contain relevant information on this project. 2. The method is good but incomplete. 3. The information on variables needs to be brought together under one subheading. 4. The data collected has a good range and number of repeats. 5. The analysis and evaluation both lack detail. *** (3 stars)