Investigation to find the strength of potato cytoplasm

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Investigation: To find the strength of potato cytoplasm


We have chosen to investigate how the mass of the potatoes change in different sucrose solution concentrations.


Osmosis is the movement of water molecules from an area of low concentration (lots of water) to an area of high concentration (little water) through a semi permeable membrane. A semi permeable membrane is a membrane that only lets selected molecules to pass through it. In a plant water is taken into the roots by the process of Osmosis. This is because the cells inside the roots have a higher concentration than the soil outside the roots. So the water from the soil moves into the cells by osmosis. When a large volume of water enters the cell, it swells causing the membrane to push against the cell wall. We say that the cell is fully turgid. When the water moves out of the cell, the membrane shrinks away from the cell wall and becomes a flaccid cell. This causes the plant to wilt, as the cells can no longer provide support for the leaves.


  • Weighing scales (g)
  • 18 x Potato pieces (length 4cm)
  • 7 x Boiling tubes
  • 18 x Sucrose solutions at varying concentrations
  • Thermometer (°C)
  • Stopwatch




Possible variables:

  • Size of surface area of potato pieces
  • Temperature of solution
  • Different types of potatoes (assuming that the genetic make up and therefore partially permeable membranes will be more similar in the make up)
  • Volume of solution
  • Time potato pieces are left in for.
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The independent variable we are changing is the concentration of the sucrose solution. The range of concentrations is 0M, 0.1M, 0.2M, 0.3M, 0.4M and 0.5M.


I predict that the size of the potato chip placed in the weakest solution will increase because all the water will move into the potato cells by osmosis. The concentration in the cells is much higher than the concentration on the solution. The size of the potato chip in the water will remain the same because both the concentration in the cell and in the solution will be the same. The size of ...

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