My aim is to workout the different water potentials of Swede and potato cells. I will do this by looking at changes in mass when they are put into different concentrations of sucrose solution.

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                        A/S Biology-Comparing the Water Potential of Potato and Swede

Aim: my aim is to workout the different water potentials of Swede and potato cells. I will do this by looking at changes in mass when they are put into different concentrations of sucrose solution.


I will need to first understand the behaviour of water in order to fully comprehend and successfully interpret the information, which may be gained from carrying out this experiment.

The water molecule is made up of one oxygen atom, which is joined by two hydrogen bonds by sharing the same electrons; this bond is called a covalent bond. Because of this the water molecule is a stable and fairly unreactive molecule. In addition to this it also has numerous unique properties.

I will also need to understand water potential. Water potential is the inclination of water molecules to move from one location to another. The representation of water potential is the Greek letter psi, Ψ.

 Water potential = solute potential + pressure potential

                      Ψw              =         Ψs                    +              Ψp

Osmosis is a special case of diffusion.  It is the net movement of water molecules from a region of high water molecule concentration to a region of lower water molecule concentration, across a partially permeable membrane.

A hypotonic solution is, a solution, which has a lower solute concentration than the sample. A hypertonic solution is a solution, which has a higher solute concentration than the sample.


 I have come to two testable hypothesises after carrying out some background research. I have also used my preliminary experiment as a guide. My hypothesises are:

  • Potato has higher water potential than Swede.
  • As the concentration of the sucrose solution increases, both vegetables lose mass, however potato loses more mass than Swede.

When placed in a hypotonic solution, according to my research the water potential of the cells (potato/swede) would be higher then the water potential of the external solution (sucrose solution). The potato/swede) cells would increase in turgor pressure and may also increase visibly and by mass. There is 0.7g of sugar in100g of boiled potato. However, the same quantity of swede contains 2.2g of sugar. Also potato only consists of 78% water, whereas swede consists of 90% water.  From this you can see that potato has the higher water potential out of the two.  This is because swede contains more sugar (2.2g) than potato (0.7g), which means that swede has a higher solute potential than potato. Therefore it is obvious to say that it has lower water potential than potato this is. Because potato has a higher water potential than swede, potato will not take in as much water as the swede will. So potato will lose more mass when placed in a solution with low water concentration, through Osmosis.  As Osmosis is the net movement of particles from a high concentration to a low concentration,

I think that when the swede sample is placed in a hypotonic solution it will gain more mass.  This is because the ‘lower’ the concentration of water molecules in the swede, the ‘higher’ the concentration of water molecules there is in the sucrose solution.  For this reason, according to the Osmosis theory, when surrounded by a hypotonic solution the swede sample will gain mass. Swede will gain more water than potato, as it initially does not have as much water and therefore because of the water gain it will gain mass.

The stronger the surrounding sucrose solution, the lower the concentration of water the vegetable has.  Therefore, I believe that in the strongest solutions of sucrose both potato and swede will decrease in mass.  This again is due to Osmosis. Also I believe that in the strong sucrose solutions, the Swede will reach its isotonic point. I think this because as swede contains more sugar than potato it is in the most likely condition to reach its isotonic point in a more concentrated sucrose solution. However, it is opposite for the potato as I feel it requires a dilute solution rather than a concentrated one to reach its isotonic point, as it does not contain as much sugar as swede.

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Pure water has the highest water potential value of zero.  After finding this I can predict that all the other cells will have a negative water potential value (less than zero). Cells with higher water potential will have a less negative value than those with lower water potential. A negative number, for example -4 has a higher caliber compared to a more negative number such as -14.        

Preliminary Work

Before carrying out this investigation, I carried out a similar experiment. This experiment consisted of comparing the water potential of carrot cell by taking ...

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