Osmosis in potato cells.

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Adam Lewis 10Mr

Biology practical

In my experiment I am going to change the strength of the solution to see how this affects the rate of osmosis in potato cells.


The variables that could affect the outcome

Are : -

Variety of potato, size of potato, surface are of potato, temperature, concentration of solution, volume of solution, time in solution.

I am going to keep all the variables listed above the same, except for the concentration of the solution, which the potato will be left in.

Previous Knowledge

Osmosis is the passage of water from a weak to a strong solution through a semi-permeable membrane. Osmosis affects the turgidity and flaccidity of cells in the potato. A turgid cell is a cell that has the most water it could have in it. A flaccid cell is a cell that has little water in it.
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I predict that the potato in the 0% Solution

will become larger than before it was put in it. The potato in the 10% solution will become smaller than it was before because Osmosis goes from a weak to a strong solution. I predict that this will also happen to the other ones I test.


5 boiling tubes

Stop clock



Potato Borer

White tile

0%, 2%, 4%, 6%, 10% solutions

Boiling tube rack


Kitchen towel

Measuring ...

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