Osmosis - The aim of the practical was to find incipient plasmolysis using potato discsuss

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The aim of the practical was to find incipient plasmolysis using potato discs.


Large potatoes- this was the sample I was using.

  1. Molar solution- this was used to see when incipient plasmolysis takes place.

Cork borer- this was used to provide consistency between the size of the potato discs.

Petri dishes- to place the potato discs into.

Filter paper- so the potato discs are dry before weighing otherwise the potato discs would weigh more than they should do.

Razor blade- to cut the blocks of jelly up as accurate as possible.

Stopwatches- To time 15 minutes when I would weigh the discs again.


  1. From the 1m solution prepare the same volume of five different concentrations of sucrose solution.
  2. I will use the cork borer to take cylinders of tissue from the same potato. And place them in a poly bag to avoid drying.
  3. I will place the cylinders of potato on a white tile and use a razor blade to cut 1mm disc. I will have 10 discs for each petri dish and five petri dishes.
  4. I will label the five petri dishes with their concentrations. And put in the solution.
  5. On dry pieces of filter paper I will weigh the five batches of 10 discs and record the masses in a table.
  6. I will put one batch into each solution and make sure they are immersed.
  7. I will leave the samples for 15 minutes.
  8. I will remove the discs from the solution and gently mop off any excess solution.
  9. I will put each batch onto dry filter paper and re weigh.
  10. I will record the results and work out the percentage change of the mass.
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Results Table


0.2m The water is moving from the cells to the outside this means the outside of the cell has lower water potential, than inside the cell.

0.4m In this solution the water potential inside the cell is greater so the water moves into the cell increasing its mass.

0.6m This is the concentration at which incipient plasmolysis has taken place because this is when the mass has decreased the most.

0.8m The water potential inside the cell was greater than that on the outside so the water moved from inside the ...

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