Our aim was to discover the water potential of potatoes cells using different concentrations of sucrose solution

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Finding the water potential of potato cells

Aim: Our aim was to discover the water potential of potatoes cells using different concentrations of sucrose solution


Osmosis is ‘the movement of water molecules from a region of higher water potential to a region of lower water potential through a semi-permeable membrane’


Water can move between cells (unligninified) freely as the cell walls are permeable. However its movement is controlled by a number of factors, which are given names; solute potential (), Pressure potential (+ Matrix potential =0 normally)() and water potential ().
Solute potential (
): this refers to the amount of substance dissolved in the cytoplasm. This effects water movement because water always moves from a less concentrated medium to a more concentrated medium.
Pressure potential (
): this refers to the pressure exerted by the cell walls. In a plant, the cell will fill with water until the inner membrane is pushing on the outer membrane to the same force as the wall is pushing back; they then are equal forces and cancel out. Therefore there is no more movement of water.
Water potential (
): this is a figure worked out from the equation; water potential = solute potential + pressure potential (). The figure represents the tendency of a cell to give out water.

Water moving out of cells causes them to lose turgor pressure - cell membrane detaches from cell wall and shrinks (wilting) - plasmolysis Water moving into cells causes them to become turgid, swollen – deplasmolysis      

The is a dilute solution inside the potato cells due to it’s cell sap, this is a ‘Dilute fluid found in the large central vacuole of many plant cells. It is made up of water, amino acids, glucose, and salts. The sap has many functions, including storage of useful materials, and provides mechanical support for non-woody plants’

Prediction: From the research I have done into osmosis I have been able to make some predictions about the results I will get. I predict that as the concentration of sucrose increases (the water potential decreases) Osmosis is the movement of water molecules from a region of higher water potential to a region of lower water potential, through a partially permeable membrane, therefore I predict that the potato cylinders in the weaker sucrose solutions- i.e high water potential, will gain mass. This is because the solution inside the potato cells has a lower water potential so there will be a net movement of water into the potato cells, making them turgid, so they will gain in mass (due to the extra water) and will be firmer. I think that the potato cylinders in the more concentrated sucrose solutions, i.e the lower water potentials, will lose mass. This is because the solution inside the potato cells has a higher water potential so there will be a net movement of water out of the potato cells making them flaccid. The potato cells in the most concentrated solution may lose enough water that the cell membrane becomes detached from the cell wall and is said to be plasmolysed. From previous coursework I have done at GCSE, when I did a similar experiment investigating osmosis in potatoes, I predict that the potato cells will have a water potential of the equivalent of around 0.3M of sucrose because this was the solution that had little net movement of water, this water potential is -900kPa (ref- teacher support: coursework guidance OCR- graph).

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  • Concentration of sucrose solution - as the concentration of sucrose increases, there will be more solute molecules and less water molecules, therefore the water potential will be lower, and so water will move out of the cells and the cells will lose mass, as the concentration of sucrose increases, the opposite will happen and the cells water will move into the cells making them gain mass. This is the variable that I will investigate; I will use a standard 1M sucrose solution and dilute it with distilled water to get different concentrations.
  • Size of potato cylinders- the ...

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