Photosynthesis Investigation

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Aim of the Experiment

The aim if this experiment is to see if changing one of the variables of photosynthesis will affect the pondweeds rate of photosynthesis.

Variables that can affect the rate of photosynthesis:

Light duration

Photosynthesis is only affected by light duration in that it only occurs during periods of light.

Light intensity

Very high light intensities may bleach chlorophyll and so make photosynthesis impossible.

Carbon dioxide concentration

CO2 diffuses into the leaf through the stomata from the atmosphere. This is one of the main things used in photosynthesis and without it photosynthesis can't take place.


Many reactions within photosynthesis are controlled by enzymes and therefore temperature sensitive. Enzymes work best at 37.5? and stop working at about 47? because they start dying.

Chlorophyll concentration

Chlorophyll is one of the main chemicals used in photosynthesis. Chlorophyll is not normally a limiting factor but it can become one if the levels are abnormally low. Iron, magnesium, nitrogen and sunlight are necessary for chlorophyll production, so if the plant is in an area where there is a little of one of these things then the plant could have a lack of chlorophyll and ?naturally have a lower rate of photosynthesis.
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Low levels of ozone and sulphur dioxide can damage some plant leaves. Also some other types of pollution can affect photosynthesis.

E.g. Soot can block stomata (the pores on the underside of leaves that allow gas exchange), and prevent light from reaching the chloroplasts by coating the leaf.

Which variable I have picked and why

I have decided to change the temperature of the Pondweed. I decided to change this because it is not part of the chemical reaction, but does affect it.

My Prediction

I think that ...

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