Plan an experiment to investigate the effect of changing the concentration of sodium thiosulphate on the reaction between hydrochloric acid and sodium thiosulphate.

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Plan an experiment to investigate the effect of changing the concentration of sodium thiosulphate on the reaction between hydrochloric acid and sodium thiosulphate.


1 conical flask

2 burettes

1 pipette

Light gate/computer

Sodium Thiosulphate

Hydrochloric acid

Distilled water

Safety Goggles

3 stands

From my preliminary experiment I have a basic idea of what the results will be like. As concentration rises, reaction rate should rise accordingly. In my preliminary experiment I varied the concentration as follows.

I put 5cm³ of hydrochloric acid in a conical flask and then put in 50cm³ of dilute sodium thiosulphate in as well. I swirled the flask and placed it on a piece of paper marked with a cross, meanwhile starting the stop clock. As soon as enough sulphur was formed and the cross disappeared and I stopped the timer. I recorded the time and repeated this for each concentration of sodium thiosulphate.

These results would have been rather inaccurate because the apparatus I used was crude. The measuring cylinders and “paper with cross” relied on my eyesight and judgement which are subjective and aren’t perfect. The time recorded was also inaccurate because I couldn’t have started the timer and stopped it at exactly the same point each time. The results were also unreliable because I only did then once instead of repeating them at least twice.

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For my practical I will be using a burette and pipette to measure out the liquids because they are far more accurate and I will use a light gate connected to a computer to record the time taken for sulphur to form because once again it will be a lot more accurate.



 I will use the following concentrations of sodium thiosulphate in my practical:

I will set up 2 burettes, one full with Sodium thiosulphate and one full with distilled water, up on 2 ...

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