Preparation of Aspirin

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P1 - Preparation of Aspirin


This document is a report on the synthesis of aspirin. The report will include a detailed procedure of how to synthesis aspirin and the apparatus required. It will show how to interpret the results obtained giving a percentage yield as well as determining the purity of the aspirin produced by means of its melting point, and compare the effectiveness of the production with the actual production. It also draws conclusions and recommendations of how to improve the accuracy of the experiment. Information is given on the hazards and risk assessment.

Executive Summary

Aim - To prepare a sample of Acetyl Salicylic Acid, more commonly known under the trade name as Aspirin. This shall be done by using the chemicals Salicylic acid and acetic anhydride. Following the preparation of the sample, the percentage yield and melting point of the final sample will be calculated. The melting point will determine the purity of the product and will be compared to a published value.

Conclusions and recommendations - From the data gained the yield of the product will be calculated. Also we will determine the purity of the product by measuring the final sample meting point.


By carrying out the experiment, it will show the exact method needed to be carried out in order to produce aspirin from its reactants. To carry out the preparation as safely as possible, various precautions will be taken in account to avoid the hazardous nature and risks involved in the use of both the chemicals involved in the experiment, and the method of preparation in a laboratory environment. This report will show the reactions taking place between the reactants in order to produce the product, and what is expected to happen. After following the procedure, the final product will be weighed and to test the purity of the Aspirin, the melting point will be measured and compared to an actual value given in a reliable data source. By comparing these values, the experiment can be analyzed and a conclusion can be drawn.

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Equation of reaction:

Aspirin is in a class of drugs called salicylates. Some examples of its uses are as follows:

  • Reduce inflammation
  • Enhances uric acid elimination
  • Reduce pain
  • Relieves joint pains associated with arthritis and rheumatism

(Ref: A)


It is also used in a number of cases under medical supervision. This is because of its unique property anti-platelet, thinning of the blood, effect which can be used to treat or prevent the following:

  • Strokes
  • Heart attack
  • Angina

The toxic dose of aspirin is generally measured to ...

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