Rate of reaction.

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Rate of reaction


The rate of reaction tells us how quickly a chemical reaction happens. During a reaction, we can measure how much reactant is used up in a certain time or you can choose to measure how much product is formed in a certain time.  There are different variables that could b used to measure to see the change in the rate of reaction. These include temperature, concentration or catalysts. There are four factors which affect the rate of reaction, these are:

1. Concentration of liquids

2. Catalyst

3. Surface area

4. Temperature

The factor that I will base my experiment around is the temperature of the water and Sodium Thiosulphate. I will use this because:

A catalyst is not required as the reaction is fast enough at room temperature

Surface area is not a suitable factor to use in an experiment where only liquids are used.

Concentration could be used, but I am examining temperature so I will use concentration in my preliminary work.


The aim for this experiment is to investigate what affects the rate of reaction between Sodium Thiosulphate and Hydrochloric acid. I have to determine the pattern between the temperature and the time taken for the reaction to occur. In order to do this I will create a solution made up of acids and heat it to see how long it will take to react.

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I predict that the temperature will have an effect on the rate of the reaction. I think that there will be a pattern/trend in my results. I believe that the time for the reaction to occur will steadily decrease as I increase the temperature.

I think this because from my scientific knowledge I know that as the temperature increases, the particles in the liquid have more energy and so move faster and cause more collisions. Some colliding particles just bounce of each other. They don’t bang hard enough to start a reaction. They don’t have enough energy. However, ...

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