Record the effect that the enzyme catalase found inside the potato has, when added to hydrogen peroxide, and whether to not there is a change in the rate of reaction when the surface area of the potato is increased.

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Background Information

Enzymes such as catalyse are protein molecules, which are found in living cells. They are used to speed up specific reactions in the cells. They are all very specific as each enzyme just performs one particular reaction.

Catalyse is an enzyme found in food such as potato and liver. It is used for removing Hydrogen Peroxide from the cells. Catalyse speeds up the decomposition of Hydrogen Peroxide into water and oxygen. It is able to speed up the decomposition of Hydrogen Peroxide because of the shape of the Hydrogen Peroxide molecule. This type of reaction where a molecule is broken down into smaller pieces is called an anabolic reaction.

Aim: Carry out an experiment on enzyme activity. The aim is to record the effect that the enzyme catalase found inside the potato has, when added to hydrogen peroxide, and whether to not there is a change in the rate of reaction when the surface area of the potato is increased.



  • Hydrogen peroxide (H202) of 20 volume
  • Ruler
  • Measuring cylinder 150ml
  • Potato
  • Stop watch
  • Goggles
  • Beakers of various sizes

Arrangement of our experiment:

Fair Test

We must ensure that the experiment is a fair test. To do this we are going to take use of the same apparatus. The only variables to be changed is the surface area of the potatoes and we will repeat the investigation two times.


The only variable that we are going to change is the surface area, as this is the factor we are investigating.

We are going to use equal interval of a 4 minutes to stop to measure the length of the potato. We are using this interval because it will make us get reliable results, which we need. We are also going to do the experiment twice to make sure we get adequate and accurate results.


While carrying out this investigation I had to follow these safety rules.

Always wear safety goggles to protect the eyes from the hydrogen peroxide. Keep all apparatus away from the edge of the desk to prevent disasters. Do not run around or rush about since accidents might occur.


I predict that when you increase the surface area of the potato, there will be an increase in the amount of oxygen given off in the reaction. This is because of the link between the number of catalase molecules available to react with the hydrogen peroxide – the more catalase to react with hydrogen peroxide, the more oxygen emitted.

This reaction occurs when the enzyme and substrate molecules are constantly moving around and frequently collide. When they do collide, an enzyme-substrate complex is formed, where the substrate fits into the active site of an enzyme. The reaction takes place then, and the products are formed, then they leave the active site. The active site is then free to be used again. In this experiment catalase breaks down hydrogen peroxide into oxygen and water.

2H2O 2H2O + O2

The rate of reaction of any surface area will always be fastest at the start of the experiment. This is because there is a lot of substrate available to collide with the catalase enzyme. This is called the initial rate of reaction. After about 1 minute of the experiment there will be less substrate to react, so the reaction speed will be a lot slower. There is also a graph that I have drawn, on which I have predicted the curve of the graph. As you can see, I have made the initial rate of reaction much higher than the rest of reaction. The catalase reaction works by having a channel in which hydrogen peroxide diffuses.

Catalase is a composed of 4 subunits, each containing a haem group. These contain iron (FeIII) and are responsible for the activity of the enzyme. Catalase uses iron to break the 2 molecules in the hydrogen peroxide, releasing water and oxygen. The haem group can be oxidised to FeIV / ferryl species. One proton from hydrogen peroxide gets removed and placed at the other end of the molecule. This polarises the O-O bond in hydrogen peroxide, releasing the water molecule. The FeIV then reacts with the second hydrogen peroxide molecule to release another molecule of water and a molecule of oxygen.

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These factors could effect the rate of reaction on an enzyme:

· pH

· Concentration

· Temperature

· Surface Area

pH - Enzymes function at different pH values. In neutral conditions the amount of oxygen gas given of in an enzyme-catalysed reaction will increase.

An enzyme is affected by how much acid or alkali is present. Many enzymes work best in neutral conditions but some prefer acids and some prefer alkalis.

This graph shows that the enzyme activity reacts best at pH7 (neutral)

Concentration - In concentrated solution there are more collisions between each particle, so the reaction occurs ...

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