Sodium Thiosulphate Reaction.

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The aim of this investigation is to observe how varying the concentration of a solution affects its rate of reaction. I will conduct the same experiment five times, but each time changing the amount of sodium thiosulphate and water that I use. The amount of hydrochloric acid that I use will remain constant throughout the experiments. The amounts of acid, sodium thiosulphate and water that I will use are as follows:


For the first experiment I will measure out 50cm3 of sodium thiosulphate and put it into a beaker. During this experiment, I will use no water. I will then place this beaker on top of a piece of paper with a cross drawn in the centre of it. I will then add 10cm3 of hydrochloric acid to the beaker, and immediately start timing the reaction. When the cross can no longer be seen, the reaction is complete. I will repeat this four more times, each time increasing the amount of water used by 10cm3, and decreasing the amount of sodium thiosulphate used by 10cm3.


Throughout this investigation, the amount of hydrochloric acid that I use will remain constant. The amount of sodium thiosulphate ranges from 10cm3 – 50cm3, and the amount of water ranges from 0cm3 – 40cm3.

 In order to obtain a wide range of results, after I have completed this investigation I will take results from at least 2 other groups. This will allow me to compare my findings with those of other people, and see if there is any pattern between them.

EQUIPMENT: To conduct this investigation I will need:

        150cm3 sodium thiosulphate

        100cm3 water

        50cm3 2 molar hydrochloric acid


        Measuring cylinder


        Paper with cross drawn on

        Stop clock

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DIAGRAM: This diagram shows the set up of my investigation:


To ensure safety throughout this investigation I will wear goggles at all times when handling the hydrochloric acid. When I have finished each experiment, I will pour the remaining solution straight down the sink, and run water down the pipes to make sure that the solution is entirely washed away. This is to make sure that the sulphur dioxide fumes that should result from these experiments do not harm anybody.



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