The aim of the experiment is to find how much energy is contained in a peanut.

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        The aim of the experiment is to find how much energy is contained in a peanut.


        Peanuts are made up of mainly fat and protein. The human body need both protein and fat for survival.


Proteins form the main structure of the human body. We therefore need protein for growth and body building, and for repairing worn out or damaged tissues.

Some proteins contribute to the structure of the cell, e.g. to the cell membranes, the mitochondria, ribosomes and chromosomes. These proteins are known as structural proteins.

        Protein contains carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, but it also contains nitrogen and sometimes sulphur too.

        A protein molecule is composed of lost of building blocks called amino acids and the links between them are called peptide links. About twenty amino acids exist in nature. The particular amino acids present, and the order in which they occur, very from one protein to another. In a complete protein molecule the amino acid chain is coiled, folded and cross-linked in various ways.

        Proteins can be split into their amino acids by adding water. This takes place in two steps: first the protein is broken down into shorter chains called polypeptides. Then the polypeptides are broken down into separate amino acid. If water is removed, the amino acids link together to form polypeptides and eventually protein.

        Some proteins are tough and fibre-like. They form the main structures of the body: bones, muscle, skin, and so on. Others exist in solution, for example, in the blood and in our cells. These soluble proteins include a very important group of chemicals called enzymes.

        If a protein is heated much above 40ºC the molecule’s shape changes; we say the protein is has been denatured, this can ruin its functions.

Proteins are composed of amino acids. The human body can make certain amino acids, so we do not need them in our diet. Others cannot be made so we must get them in our diet.  These are called essential amino acids. They are vital for good health and absence of just one can have severe consequences.

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In addition proteins give us a certain amount of energy, but they are not as important in this respect as fats or carbohydrates.

A lack of protein causes a disease, which makes the human body weak and listless. This disease is called, ‘Kwashiorkor.’  

Meat is the best source of protein. However, there are substitutes for the vegetarians i.e. Soya beans which is also very high in protein.

The energy value for protein is: 1g of protein contains 39 kJ

Part of protein molecule showing how it is made up of a chain of amino acids. The different shapes ...

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