The aim of the experiment is to find the effect of exercise on the heart rate

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The aim of the experiment is to find the effect of exercise on the heart rate


'As a person exercise the heart rate increases because the muscles need more blood, which delivers oxygen and nutrients to them.' Jim Slogan 'The heart rate is increased by the sympathetic nervous system, which is controlled by the medulla oblongata, when a person exercises his carbon dioxide concentration in the blood increases, thus the blood pH increases and the pituitary gland senses the change, causing the sympathetic nervous system to increase heart rate' IB biology book

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An increase in exercise will increase the heart rate.


  • Dependent variable: heart rate
  • Independent variable: exercise rate (80 jumps for 1 minute with maximum height)
  • Controlled variable:
  • Temperature (temperature rise will cause the heart rate to increase in order to deliver more blood to the skin, thus blood loses heat.)
  • Stress (stress will cause the hormone adrenaline to be released, and any hormone circulating the blood causes the heart rate to increase.)
  • Water level in blood (the higher the water level the higher its volume, ...

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