The aim of this science investigation is to find out where the stomata are located, on the upper or lower epidermis of a leaf.

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The aim of this science investigation is to find out where the stomata are located, on the upper or lower epidermis of a leaf.


My prediction is that most of the stomata are found on the lower epidermis of a leaf. I have based this prediction on the function of stomata; to let gases in and out of the leaf i.e. to allow exchange of CO2 and O2 between the inside of the leaf and the surrounding atmosphere and to allow the escape of water vapour from the leaf.

To reduce water loss the leaf has a waxy cuticle on the upper epidermis, which is waterproof, so the leaf uses the lower epidermis for gas exchange.

Science about Stomata:

Stomata are pores perforating the epidermis of the leaves and stem. They are usually most numerous in the lower epidermis of the leaf where there may be as many as 400 per mm, there are generally fewer in the upper epidermis and fewer in the stem. Their functions are:

(1) To allow exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen between the inside of a leaf and the surrounding atmosphere.

(2) To permit the escape of water vapor from the leaf.

Stomata are important in several physiological processes, not just photosynthesis, but they also represent a hazard in that they may permit excessive evaporation from the leaf. In a sense a plant aces a conflict. If it opens its stomata it runs the risk of losing excessive water, particularly if it lives in a dry habitat. On the other hand if it closes them it may run short of carbon dioxide or oxygen. Plants resolve this problem by not opening them for longer than is necessary. This does not mean that a plant never loses more water than it can replace from the soil. The observation that plants frequently wilt in hot weather bears witness to the fact that they often do lose excessive water. However wilting is not disastrous so long as the plant is given an opportunity to recover later. The controlled opening and closing of the stomata resolve the conflicting needs of the plant.

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In order to appreciate how the stomata are controlled we must first understand the mechanism by which they open and close, and this necessitates looking at their structure.

A pair of guard cells borders the stomata pore. These are sausage-shaped and, unlike other epidermal cells, contain chloroplasts. There is a sap vacuole and, a point of great importance; the inner cellulose wall (i.e. the wall lining the pore itself) is thicker and less elastic than the thinner outer wall.

Stomata opening and closure depends on changes in turgor of the guard cells. If water is drawn into the guard ...

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