The Development of Poly(ethene) andPoly(propene).

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The Development of Poly(ethene) and Poly(propene)

Addition polymerisation involves the joining together of monomers; usually compounds containing C=C double bonds such as alkenes, to form saturated long-chain polymers1[LE1][LE2]:

The reaction occurs when catalyst such as the Zeigler-Natta catalyst, used to make high-density poly(ethene), is present.

Another type of poly(ethene), low-density poly(ethene) was Discovered in 1933 by Eric Fawcett and Reginald Gibson. In their experiment, the polymerisation was free radical polymerisation. This type of polymerisation has three stages. First is initiation, started off by an initiator molecule. Here, this is benzoyl peroxide[LE3]:

This molecule splits into two initiator fragments, each having an unpaired electron, meaning that these molecules are free radicals2. These, combined with the oxygen that leaked into Fawcett and Gibson's experiment, provided the free radicals required to catalyse the mechanism.

Electrons in The C=C double bond are easily attacked by the free radicals, forming a bond between the initiator fragment and one of the C=C atoms. The remaining electron attaches to the other carbon atom. The process now starts again because a new free radical has been formed3[LE4].

The next stage is propagation, where the new radical reacts with another ethene monomer, as with the initiator fragment. This causes the addition of more monomers and the growth of a chain[LE5]:

Termination, the last stage of the mechanism occurs when all the radicals are used up. One of the ways that this happens is through a radical exchange leaving a free radical within a polymer chain, meaning that another radical can attack at this site, causing a branch in the chain[LE6].

The higher the temperature and pressure of the mechanism, the greater the degree of branching. Because the branched chains cannot fit closely together, the plastic has a low density, and it therefore known as Low Density Poly(ethene), ldpe.
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The structures of polymers like poly(ethene) affect their physical properties. Ldpe such as that above is made up of branched chains. These branches prevent the separate chains getting close together, reducing the intermolecular forces and causing a low softening temperature tensile strength.

In the hdpe produced by Zeigler-Natta catalysts, the chains are almost unbranched due to their formation process. This means that they can lie closer together, creating greater crystallinity and stronger intermolecular forces. These cause the polymer to have a greater tensile strength, density, relative molecular mass and softening temperature.

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